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Oneshot| 14

RUNNING on the road, you looked at your watch to see the time

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RUNNING on the road, you looked at your watch to see the time. 'shit! I'm late!' You thought and soon saw the beautiful building. You ran towards the direction and stormed in. The employees looked at you, which made you feel awkward. You bowed and went to the elevator. It was about to close when the person in it, put his hand in between the door. You know that person, very well so, you rolled your eyes and went in.

"Hello, miss (y/n)!" The person smirked. "Hello my foot!" You looked at him. "Why so rude, honey?" He said. He leaned towards you but the doors got opened. You shooked your head in disbelief and stepped out. He too got out and was about to grab your hand when he saw his boss already glaring at him. He was going towards his cabin's direction when he saw you both.

He gulped and backed his hands and greeted "Good morning, Mr. Jeon." He bowed. His boss just rolled his eyes and looked at your direction who was looking at the files while going towards your cabin.

"Miss (y/n)! I want you now in my cabin!" He exclaimed. You looked at him and nodded and greeted "Good morning Mr. Jeon." He nodded and went to his cabin. "Such a pain in ass!" You looked at the person who said that. "Just imagine, he heard that." You glared. "But-" He was about to say something when you cut him off. "Don't come after me!" You said and entered your cabin. But that person entered and said "I'm saying, I'm really sorry! I was going to your house but someone stabbed my arm and I had to head back to dress it up!" He exclaimed.

"Is that so?" You looked at his arms. He got it and started unbuttoning his shirt. He showed you his arms and said "Look! I still came to office!" You chuckled but felt someone looking at you so, you looked here and there but found no one. After 2 minutes you got a call from your boss. He called you in office.

"Jeesung, I apologise for that." You said and showed him your puppy eyes. Jeesung rolled his eyes and nodded. "Whatever. I forgive you." He said and exited your cabin. You hurriedly ran to your boss's cabin and knocked the door. "Come in!" You heard him saying. "Yes, Mr. Jeon!" You exclaimed. You was smiling but changed the expressions when you noticed his dark eyes. You gulped and looked down. "There is a meeting in Busan and we have to leave now." He spoke.

"Oh! Then best of luck!" You wished him lucks while smiling. "Hmm... Pack your bags. We are going there for 1 week." He said and looked at his files. "W-what? We?" You stuttered. "You heard me, right?" He looked at you. You just looked at him being confused. "Your secretary?" You asked. "He is not coming." He lied. "I'm sorry sir, but I'm not coming." You shooked your head. He chuckled and said "I think you forgot that." He said, making shivers ran down your spine.

"Just listen to me unless you will have to face my worse side." Your boss said. "I won't! You just killed him! I have to complain-" Your word's got cut off when you saw him coming closer. "Can't you see, he was touching you!" He yelled. "Can't you see, how much I love you!?" He yelled coming infront of your face. "I'm fine with, you not loving me! But! You are not allowed to love someone except me!" He yelled in your ear.

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