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"PLEASE..." You whispered as you heard the footsteps coming towards the bathroom door of your school. You sat on the toilet in order to hide your foot.

"(Y/n). (Y/n), where are you? I love playing hide and seek." You covered your mouth with your hand, not to make any sound.

How can he enter girls washroom?

You shooked your head while tears kissing your cheeks. You looked down only to tight the grip on your mouth. Because the person was right infront of the washroom door.

He stopped and turned towards the washroom door. He creepily smiled and stepped back. He went to the washroom door and closed the door. He locked it. Which you didn't noticed.

You sighed and threw your hand on your knees and breathed heavily.

You cried and thought the day when you saw that mask man for the first time.

You was walking to your house while smiling without any reason. You stood at the footpath as it wasted light. Suddenly you got hit by a man which caused you to loose your balance. You was suddenly between the road.

You looked to right and saw a car coming towards you. You looked at the person who got bumped into you. He was already fallen on the footpath and was standing up, then he looked at you with wide eyes then looked at the car.

Your eyes got filled with tears as you looked at the car. You couldn't move and covered yourself with your hands. Suddenly the car got stopped right infront of you.

You looked at the car and saw a man wearing a mask looking at you. You looked at him but bowed and ran away from there.

Since that day, you always felt someone stalking you. Yesterday you got to know that, the mask man was the one who always followed you.

"Found you!"

Suddenly the door got opened at the mask man was right infront of you.


"Did you thought that I'll leave you alone here?" He asked.



ou ran towards the class as the lunch break was over. You wiped your lips which was kissed by that mask man.

How? That time he grabbed your hand and took you out. He leaned close while tightly holding you. You turned your face to other side as you know what's gonna happen.

"Please let me go!"

He grabbed your jaw and pinned you on the door.

"Not in this life!"

He leaned close which caused you to close your eyes. He pulled the mask and smashed his lips on yours.

That's how he kissed you.

You wiped your eyes and entered the classroom.

You quietly sat on your seat and looked at your friend.

"What happened? Why are you crying?" He asked while licking his lips.

"Was you eating something?" You asked.

"Yeah, something delicious!" He replied.

"Yah! Jungkook, you're so bad!"

You punched his arms and pouted, making him chuckle.

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