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Oneshot| 15

"COME BACK!!" The 28 years old man yelled at his wife who is 18 years old

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"COME BACK!!" The 28 years old man yelled at his wife who is 18 years old. "NO!" She yelled back. "Jungkook, let her go!" His best friend stopped him to run after the poor girl. The man named Jungkook didn't gave a fuck to him and ran after his wife. His best friend came ran behind him and grabbed his arms. "Stop it TAEHYUNG!! SHE IS MY WIFE NOW!!" Jungkook punched Taehyung and pushed him away. "(Y/N)! I'M WARNING YOU!! If, I caught you, then the consequences will not be good!" He exclaimed. You didn't dared to even look back and just ran until you saw a truck. You was breathing very heavily and was having problem to breath as you was running for about hours. You hid behind the truck and looked down only to see his foot. He turned around and moved to other side. It was right time. You quickly came to the back side of the truck and got inside. You quickly his his behind some boxes, which will not reveal you.

Here Jungkook started walking near Taehyung with dark eyes. Taehyung stepped back while Jungkook didn't even thought he is his best friend. He cracked his neck and then knuckles. "Because of you she is not here in my arms!" He exclaimed. Taehyung too got ready in the position to fight while Jungkook smirked before punching him on his cheeks. Taehyung coughed blood and spit it. Taehyung then punched him and grabbed his both hands, and smashed his head into his. Jungkook being smart, he freed himself and punched his stomach. And after that only God knows what happened.


Suddenly the truck's engine started and drove away along with you. You sighed in relief and put your head in your knees, which you was hugging till now. Today was your marriage. You ran just right after you and Jungkook got out of the marriage place. When Jungkook opened the car's door for you, you kicked Jungkook's leg and ran away from there. Taehyung who was beside him looked at your with confused look then understood that you ran away from Jungkook. It took him few minutes to realise. Then the story begin.

You sighed and put your head back on the truck's wall. Tears was kissing your cheeks while new tears was forming in your eyes. You looked front only to see a boy scrolling his phone. You gasped and was about to hide back when "wait," You closed your eyes and looked back at him. "Who are you?" He asked. "I'm (y/n)." You stood up. "What are you doing here?" He looked at your moves. "Actually someone is after me." You replied. "Who?" He asked again, making you irritate. "My husband." You again replied. "Oh.. by the way, I'm Yeonjun." He said before putting his phone in his jeans pocket. "By the way, why was your husband chasing you?" He patted the seat beside him. You smiled and sat beside him.

"Actually today, I was forced to marry him. He forced me to marry him. I didn't liked him from the very beginning. As I'm an orphan, it was easy for him to marry me without any disturbance. I don't know what got into me and I ran after the marriage ended. After running for hours, I looked back and saw him yelling and fortunately this struck was here so I got into it." You explained. "By the way, what's his name?" He asked. "I don't know his name, may be Junglebook...He is 28 years old. That's it!" You exclaimed. "Do you know where he live?" He looked at you. You shooked your head. Suddenly the truck stopped making you both fell.

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