
1.9K 52 4

"(y/n), let's go." A 16 girl turned to look at her dad and nodded. You stepped in and looked around. "Hello, Mr. Kim and Mrs. Kim!" The man in his late 30's bowed while your dad too bowed "Hi Mr. Park!" Mr. Park welcomed you all. "Please have a seat." Mr. Park said.

"You're (y/n), right?" You nodded. "Mrs. Choi, take her upstairs." Mr. Park called a maid and told her to take you to his son's room

You entered a room and saw 2 guys talking. "Jimin, your dad said to take care of her." Both guys turned and looked at you. Jimin nodded and said "you can go now." The maid bowed and went out.

"Hey, little kid." Jimin smiled and came towards you. "What's your name?" He gestured you to take a seat on the bed.

You sat on the bed and looked at another guy who was looking at you without blinking.

"I am Jimin and you?" "(Y/n)," you replied. "So kid-" "I'm not a kid!" Jimin laughed while other guy chuckled. "He's Jungkook." Jimin introduced him. "Jungle book?" Jimin laughed. Jungkook just stared at you but flinched when Jimin hit his shoulders while laughing.

You just looked at them with an embarrassed look and smiled awkwardly. "I'm J-U-N-G-K-O-O-K, Jungkook!" Jungkook exclaimed.


"Bye," You waved your hand towards Jimin and Jungkook while they too waved back. Your dad took you and your mom to the car and drove away.

"It will be great if, we make the friendship more powerful!" Your dad chuckled. "By marrying our daughter?" Your mom asked. "Of course. They told me if we can make our friendship into a relationship." You just heard your dad saying.

Our daughter? I'm their daughter. Are they talking about me? Will they marry me off? But why? Are they talking about me and Jimin?

You blushed while thinking. You grew a little crush on Jimin, while unaware with the fact that there is another person who didn't just grew a crush but fall in love at first sight.

You got to know that Jimin's dad is a single father. By looking at Jimin, anyone can tell that he's a spoiled brat. But the thing which made you confuse was that Jungkook was looking at you all the time. And if you caught him staring at you he would get blush and breaks the eye contact.


"Hey! Y/n!" You turned back and saw Jimin. Your eyes became teary when you saw him running towards you. "I missed you!" He hugged you tightly.

He came back after 5 months.

"Jimin, let's break up!" You said and pushed him after wiping the tears.

"What?" Jimin raised his brows together but smiled when he saw his best friend coming towards both you.

"Baby, it's time for our 2nd lecture. Let's go!" Jungkook placed his one hand on your waist.

"Hey, Jimin!" He waved his hand saying hi. "The fvck is happening here!?" Jimin felt betrayed.

Jimin grabbed your wrist and dragged you out from the corridor while Jungkook smirked looking at you.

"Mind to tell me?" Jimin asked. "Look, I'm going to get married soon with Jungkook, so it's better if we break up!" You exclaimed.

"Married?" He asked. You was about to say something when you saw a figure behind the pillar and pushed Jimin aside. "Stop it!" You said in cold voice.

You ran from there not wanting to show your tears to him. You soon was dragged in a room, which you was about to pass.

"Who the he-" You was cut off when someone put his palm on your mouth. "Shh.. It's me, honey!" It was Jungkook. You faked a smile and pushed his hands away playfully.

The time when you and Jimin came in relationship was going well. 6 months ago you came to know that you're going to get marry with Jungkook, you thought your parents will understand you. But no!

They just said you're selfish as you aren't accepting their wish. At that time when you heard your parents talking about your marriage, it was your and Jungkook's.

Not your and Jimin's.

It was going good, as you planned to run away from your house. But it was destroyed when Jungkook saw you out with a bag. Jungkook knew it that you both are going to get married. You never even befriended with him.

He called your dad and told him about you leaving the house. He took you to his car and left you at your home.

You was welcomed by your brother who came back from USA. He had completed his studies and came here to handle his dad aka your dad's company. Kim Enterprises.

Everyone was very angry on you. What did you think? After running from your house and get caught by your fiance will raise your dad's nose?

You tried to explain Jungkook to cancel this marriage but he never listened to you. He said that he loves you alot and don't want to leave you.

At first you thought he really love you but as time passed you realised that, it wasn't love it was obsession. The way he got jealous by just you talking to a male. The way he get overprotective. The way he started becoming possesive.

You was forced to break up with Jimin. Jungkook told you to break up with him unless he'll break his bones.

"Honey!" You flinched when you saw Jungkook just few inches away from your face while you both was having lunch.

It's lunch time.

"Only 1 month then, we'll get married and I assure you that we'll have kids very soon!" He exclaimed. He hugged your right side and smirked while looking around.

His smirk widened when he didn't found Jimin here.

"Please.." You gently pushed him off. Jungkook closed his eyes in anger and sighed before grabbing your jaw and smashing his lips on yours. You didn't did anything as you know nothing will happen as you want.


"Hey," A male voice was heard in the basement. "Hey!!" He yelled making the weak man to look at him. "I told you to leave her, didn't I?" He asked while grabbing a rod in his hand.

He hit the rod direct on his head making the person fall down. "Say SOMETHING!!" He again hit him. "J-jungkook," The person called him.

It was Jungkook.

"The fvck!?" Jungkook asked. "Do you really want me leave her? Then just fvck yourself, because I won't till my last breath! We both dreamt to get married and become a Park family. I wanted (y/n) to become my Mrs. Park! Park Jimin's wif-" Before he can complete his word, Jungkook shot him in his head.

It was Jimin.

Jimin and Jungkook were best friends. Just because of a girl their friendship got ruined. Just because of Jungkook's obsession, their friendship got ruined.

Jimin fall back. "(Y/n), I lov-" Jungkook didn't let him complete his word and shoved the rod in his mouth deeply.

"Just die b!tch!' Jungkook yelled. "Dare to say my girl's name!" He pushed him off as Jimin exhaled his last breath.

What would have happened if, you never met them that day? It was you who wanted to go there, at Jimin's house, when you was 16.

There friendship would be the strongest and unbreakable. It was destined that you've to marry Jungkook. If Jungkook hadn't fall for you at that time everything might be going fine. Jimin wouldn't be died. People, who proposed you wouldn't be died. People, who became your new friend wouldn't be died.

Everything would be fine.

"Honey, roses are red,
Sky is blue.
Oh my lovey honey
My obsession is only for you~"

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