The Settling

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"Crunchy Chip Cookie, what is all this commotion about?" Dark Cacao furrowed his brows, concern etched across his face as he observed the unfolding scene.

"This Cookie is giving Jellies to the wolves!" Crunchy Chip answered, pointing at Gingerbrave accusingly.

Dark Cacao furrowed his brows, concern etched across his face as he observed the unfolding scene. However, Mochaccino swiftly stepped in, his voice calm and reassuring. "No need to worry, My Liege. It's simply a misunderstanding. Gingerbrave was unaware that Jellies might not be suitable for the Cream Wolf. There was no ill intent behind it."

Gingerbrave cleared his throat, diverting the conversation to a different topic. "Dark Cacao Cookie! You're here! Are these wolf-riding Cookies your friends?"

"These Cookies are the Cream Wolves, defenders of the Dark Cacao Kingdom's borders. This is the squadron's captain, Crunchy Chip Cookie. And, as you already know, this is Mochaccino Cookie. Dark Cacao introduced, motioning towards the squadron and the scientist.

"Your Majesty, we haven't secured the perimeter yet. The floor might be covered with traps and enemies may ambush us any minute. We must stay vigilant!" Crunchy Chip warned, his voice filled with unease as he glanced over his shoulder.

"Crunchy Chip Cookie, calm yourself. These Cookies are our allies, not our adversaries. They have fought alongside us since the battle against the Licorice Sea creatures. Besides, we have arrived in the Vanilla Kingdom. Are you suggesting they would attack us?" Mochaccino reasoned, his tone firm yet diplomatic.

"W-What?! N-No, I didn't mean- Uh..." Crunchy Chip stammered, his face flushing with embarrassment as he struggled to find the right words to explain himself.

Mochaccino stepped forward, placing a reassuring hand on Crunchy Chip's shoulder. "It's alright, Crunchy Chip. I understand your priority is the safety of the kingdom. But let's hear Gingerbrave's explanation before making any assumptions."

Gingerbrave eagerly jumped in, eager to clarify the situation. "Huh? Ambush? No no no! This place is safe! Like super safe! And you're about to get super comfy in the rooms Pure Vanilla Cookie prepared just for you! C'mon, lemme show you the way!"

Dark Cacao remained skeptical, his expression unwavering. "'Rooms?' We cannot allow the luxury of comfort at dire times like this. We shall set camp here and patrol the surrounding grounds."

Crunchy Chip, his determination undeterred, nodded in agreement. "Yessir! We'll begin gathering materials and get ready to set camp at once!"

"CAMPING? Count me in! I can help! Let me help you gather the materials!" Gingerbrave eagerly offered, his excitement undiminished.

Mochaccino, though slightly hesitant about the idea of sleeping in a tent, nodded appreciatively. "Thank you, Gingerbrave. Your help will be invaluable. As for me, I'll accept the offer for a room. However, before we proceed, I have one more surprise that may aid us in our preparations."

Mochaccino hurried to the back of the cargo truck's trailer and rapped on its doors. The doors swung open, revealing ten boxes that transformed into Cacao-Droids, their updated designs shining under the sunlight.

These advanced automatons resembled actual Cookies, their bodies entirely made of rich, dark chocolate. Their faces bore neutral expressions, their purple eyes gleaming with purpose.

Equipped with concealed weapons and the ability to transform into compact forms, the Cacao-Droids possessed the necessary capabilities to assist in various tasks.

"Cacao-Drones, activate campground setup sequence. From this point forward, you will take orders from Dark Cacao Cookie until further notice. Follow him to the designated camping area and carry out his instructions." Mochaccino commanded.

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