The Breakthrough

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Meanwhile, crisis adverted in the Institute of Thaumaturgy, as the researchers managed to stabilize the sample. They were bought plenty of time thanks to the force field Mochaccino placed around it.

"PHEW!" One of the researchers coughed. "This temperature... should... do the thing, right?"

"If my calculations are correct, then we've stopped the growth. This was a great assist." Mochaccino thanked, a satisfied smile on his face.

"...Looks like the sample has finally stabilized! I thought we were done for... were it not for the shield Mochaccino Cookie put around the thing!" Another researcher sighed in relief, happy to have the crisis averted.

"Oh... I have no more energy left..." A researcher panted, the strain of the situation draining him.

"I believe a rest is due for those who are not in their full strength. As for the rest, please stay alert. We had a close call, and we almost lost these priceless samples. But, well done, everyone." Mochaccino commended, a warm expression on his features.

"It's over now, right? It should be?! We can't let our research fail!" Another researcher sighed, her voice laced with tiredness.

"Everything should be fine for now. Let us attempt to not make this incident repeat itself, however. Back to work we go, I'm sure Espresso Cookie awaits only news of progress." Mochaccino suggested, getting a round of nods and affirmations.

Speaking of, the squad was now inside Espresso Cookie's Lab. The said scientist was hard at work while the others voiced their opinions about the place. "Espresso Cookie! This lab of yours is amazing!" Gingerbrave exclaimed, marveled by the equipment present.

"On the contrary, it is merely a laboratory that suits my needs." Espresso countered, focused on his current task.

"By the Divines! It's been ages since my last visit here! It never ceases to fascinate me!" Madeleine remarked before listing off questions that popped into his mind. "Where are the spacious halls and dazzling chandeliers? Where are the soft, comfortable sofas and beds? Where is the splendid dining room where one can chat with guests to their heart's delight?! This is no... laboratory! This is a storage warehouse!"

"As I've stated before, it suits my needs." Espresso let out a heavy, annoyed sigh, about done with the Paladin's complaints.

"Are you planning to complete your research here?" Wildberry asked, taking note of the cramped and disorganized lab.

"No, the Institute of Thaumaturgy still has the equipment I need. I will return there, soon. Besides, I would not leave Mochaccino Cookie to manage everything alone. But while I am here, I must take several scrolls and tomes, as well as prior research materials." Espresso answered, organizing the scrolls he had gathered. "Please wait here as I collect the necessary items."

There were knocks on the door, which made most in the group tense up. "Who's that?! Could it be the Cookies in white masks?!" Gingerbrave questioned, hiding behind his shield.

"No, I know who is behind the door." Espresso sighed as he headed toward the door, opening it.

"OH! So you WERE inside, Espresso Cookie! I thought I heard you inside, which is why I kept knocking!" Landlord Cookie, the owner of the building, exclaimed, letting herself in.

"Greetings, good landlord." Espresso greeted, albeit with a bit of panic at the sight of his landlord.

"So you DO remember me! HA! Your laboratory has been empty for so long! You had a ton of mail in your absence! Not to worry! I have them stored safe and sound. But... I'm not here for that. I'm here because you're behind on utilities." Landlord Cookie pointed out, looking actually pretty casual regarding the whole ordeal.

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