The Summons

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The Convocation Chamber was tense, everyone Clotted Cream had invited and requested to arrive, sitting on their respective seats. "Yet another summons in such a short span of time." Sablé remarked, wondering what this was about.

"You can say that again! The Lyceum is feeling more familiar than home at this point!" Mulled Juice jested, more amused than tense.

"Consul! Did you unilaterally make the decision to return the Soul Jam?!" Custard exclaimed, frowning. "How could you make such a rash decision? The Republic can enter a new golden age with the Soul Jam in our possession!"

"I have merely returned the Soul Jam to its proper owners." Clotted Cream explained, staring at Custard with a blank expression.

"Have you no idea what sort of political blunder you've made?! There is no room for such naïveté in the world of politics! You have blown the single greatest opportunity to ever grace our Republic! Pitiful, dimwitted- AUGH!" Custard scolded, until someone's fist clocked him straight in the stomach, causing him to double over.

"!" Nearly everyone gasped, shocked and surprised. The one who had punched Custard was none other than Mochaccino.

"Not. Another. Word." Mochaccino warned, glaring at Custard, who was groaning in pain.

"Ack-! How dare-?!" Custard exclaimed, only for the scientist to pick him up by the collar of his shirt.

"You will listen to what the consul has to say." Mochaccino demanded, his voice stern, not a shred of fear or regret to be found. "You have the audacity to attempt a heist of the Soul Jam by force, and using your guards to do so? All for a mere taste of power? Have you no shame?"

"Those senile 'heroes' cannot be reasoned with! The Soul Jam is wasted on-" Custard attempted to retort, before he was forcefully slammed down on his seat.

"You are selfish and greedy, not worthy of your position. If anyone here is senile, it is you." Mochaccino spoke, cutting Custard off, not even listening to the elder's excuses. "No regards for the consequences of your actions, or those of others. No care or concern. Just a power-hungry fool who is blinded by his own ambition. I will not so much as entertain your delusions of grandeur. Now sit down... and seal. Your. Tongue."

"..." Custard remained silent, gritting his teeth in anger, clutching his stomach.

"Apologies, everyone. Please allow me to explain the current state of affairs." Clotted Cream requested, getting the attention of everyone. "I have requested an audience with the Convocation to announce a great feat. As you are already aware, our goal was to share the power of Soul Jam with as many Cookies as possible. We've replicated and modified the process to mass-produce Pearl Candies. It is with great honor, that I introduce to you, the newest army of the Crème Republic!"

"Did I hear that right? An army?" Vanilla Sugar asked, a little surprised.

"Come forth, Pearl Legion!" Clotted Cream commanded, gesturing to the large doors. The doors opened, revealing a crowd of Cookies dressed in silver armor, bearing shields and blades of shells and coral. "Venerable Elders of the Convocation. May I introduce to you the Pearl Legion, an army that wields the power of Soul Jam."

"Did he say 'Pearl'? Wait... Then this army was created with the help of House Oyster?!" Canelé realized, subtly glaring at Oyster in anger.

"Everyone here knows that the pearls harvested by House Oyster are of the finest quality, hardy and durable with the greatest iridescence." Oyster proudly declared, a smug grin on her face. "As the young Consul pointed out, pearls are already perfect spheres. They were the most suitable receptacle to harness Soul Jam's energy. After all, the Consul's duty is to protect the Republic and he required an army to do so. And I decided to support his efforts."

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