The Suspicion

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About a good day of progress had been made, now with Mochaccino's help and his permission to analyze Dark Cacao's Soul Jam, the scientists were making groundbreaking progress. Considering how well he and Espresso worked together in the past, they were quickly making up for lost time.

"Well, how would you say progress is coming going, Espresso Cookie?" Mochaccino questioned, taking a brief pause from his scribbles on his notepad. "I'm assuming rather well, considering the lack of complaints."

"Indeed, my friend. I am finally confident that we have examined and analyzed the Soul Jam to its fullest." Espresso remarked, his tone exuding satisfaction before turning to one of the researchers. "You there. Hand us the detailed analysis."

"Right here!" The researcher exclaimed, handing Espresso a thick stack of papers, containing a plethora of detailed information on the Soul Jam.

"Thank you." Mochaccino responded, looking through the pages. "So, what have you learned? Any new information about the Soul Jam?"

"Quite a lot, actually. Mainly, pure compressed sugar with no traces of impurities of any sort. And, as suspected, an unknown source of concentrated Life Energy contained within." Espresso summarized, the words leaving his lips with an air of confidence.

"An amazing find! But where did all this energy come from?" The researcher questioned, their tone brimming with curiosity.

"Am I to assume you have a theory regarding this matter?" Mochaccino inquired, looking to Espresso, a glimmer of intrigue in his eyes. "Because I certainly do. If I may share what I've concluded."

"By all means, Mochaccino Cookie." Espresso granted, giving Mochaccino the floor.

"If I'm not mistaken, the next procedure involves safely transferring this energy into a different receptacle, correct? My initial hypothesis was to use the materials that we had on hand and find a suitable substance and form through trial and error." Mochaccino stated, explaining his initial thoughts.

"Ah, my thoughts to a tee. What was it that changed, my friend? It does appear that what you propose was a former intention." Espresso wondered, a curious expression visible in his eyes.

"It's no secret this energy is extremely concentrated, almost dangerously so. If a volatile chain reaction were to occur... whether the Soul Jam remains intact or stays safe, I am uncertain," Mochaccino added, his words underscored by a note of caution. "Thus, I propose the use of substances as similar to Soul Jam itself. As they are composed of pure sugar, a receptacle of equally similar purity should suffice."

"In doing so, the chances of a chain reaction are lowered, and the Soul Jam would not be further endangered. Not to mention, it would provide us a chance to see how well the Soul Jam reacts to similar substances," Espresso added, nodding in agreement. "I concur, but we will need sugar. Lots of it."

"Fellow researcher, if you would be so kind as to provide as many sugar cubes as you can carry. We'll be needing them shortly," Mochaccino ordered, a glint of enthusiasm visible in his gaze. "Please."

"Right away!" The researcher called, hastily departing from the research facility.

"While they're off fetching the supplies, let us discuss further methods. We have the time, so let's make it count," Mochaccino recommended, eager to continue his studies. "I, for one, suggest compressed sugar. Assuming that normal sugar cubes won't suffice, then why not compact and solidify them further by using heat and pressure?"

"An exemplary idea. Not only would the condensed sugar be less volatile, but the additional stability would prevent it from being easily destroyed or damaged," Espresso complimented, impressed by Mochaccino's suggestion. "A most optimal approach, and one I'm more than happy to pursue. Any further ideas?"

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