The Request...

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Clotted Cream stood on the bustling streets of the kingdom in the sky, his perspiration glistening in the brilliant light of the floating city.

The facade of his usual cocksure demeanor was on the brink of crumbling, like a fragile porcelain teacup teetering on the edge of a precipice.

Dark Cacao, the Ancient Hero known for his unyielding skepticism and reluctance to place trust in anyone, had managed the impossible: establishing a rapport with Mochaccino.

The allure of Mochaccino's charisma and the depth of his intellect had the potential to transform the republic into something even more remarkable.

Thus, Clotted Cream found himself faced with an urgent mission, convincing Mochaccino to align with their cause.

"How can I possibly achieve this?" Clotted Cream mused as he meandered through the lofty thoroughfares, his mind awash with uncertainty. "If Dark Cacao's previous traveling companion is any indication, Mochaccino Cookie is unlikely to grant me his trust. Perhaps there's a way to approach him through someone he holds dear?"

Then, in a moment of revelation, Clotted Cream's eyes lit up with a sly, calculating glint. It dawned on the young consul that he had a hidden ace up his sleeve, the Crème Republic's preeminent scientist, Espresso.

According to what the venerable Coffee Mage had confided, Espresso and Mochaccino had shared a profound friendship during their formative years at the esteemed Parfaedian Magic Institute.

If Espresso's trust in the Consul still endured, perhaps he could serve as the linchpin in forging a connection between Mochaccino and the young Cookie Consul.

After all, Clotted Cream was duty-bound to guide Mochaccino toward the path that was ultimately in the best interest of the Crème Republic.

Wandering through one cobblestone street after another, Clotted Cream couldn't help but notice the perplexed glances that followed him.

The once-thriving expanse now teemed with Raisin Villagers, and their curious expressions hinted at their uncertainty regarding the unexpected visitor.

Yet, it was the penetrating gazes of any Cacaoin he happened upon that cut through the air with a palpable hostility.

These looks served as a clear testament to the unwavering trust these formidable warriors placed in their king's judgment of the Consul's moral character.

In due time, the determined young cookie navigated his way down into the cavernous Wafflebot Hangar, the ceaseless whirring of machines creating an ambient buzz that enveloped him.

Amidst the mechanical symphony, he spotted the exact individual he had been in search of. 

Espresso, in deep conversation with Strawberry Crepe, discussed the perpetual challenge of dealing with other Cookies who seemed to obstruct their progress.

"Ser Espresso Cookie, if I may, I'd appreciate a moment of your valuable time," Clotted Cream inquired politely, a carefully constructed plan poised on the tip of his tongue.

With a subtle yet exasperated eye roll directed at the ever-watchful Little Engineer in their midst, Espresso consented, "Very well, I can spare a few moments for the Consul."

"Wonderful." Clotted Cream responded, leading the two away from the ongoing discussions. With a calculated approach, he continued, "You are undoubtedly aware of my persistent efforts to persuade the ancients to part with their Soul Jam, with varying degrees of success.

"However, I am convinced that there is one cookie who holds the key to securing the Ancients' support in this crucial debate. I believe you are intimately acquainted with him." Drawing upon Espresso's past associations with Mochaccino, Clotted Cream sought to lay the foundation for his intricate plan.

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