The Pursuit

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Whilst Espresso and the others relished in this success, Wildberry and Crunchy Chip returned to the Market. They noticed that the atmosphere was the same as their last visit, and they were determined to investigate.

"Bustling and busy as always. The narrow streets do not make this easy..." Wildberry remarked, noticing the crowds.

"Look around! There's fishy stuff everywhere!" Crunchy Chip pointed out, looking around.

"Perfect gifts for children, right here! Every child loves these toys! Especially this squeaky puppy, on sale now!" A merchant offered, waving at the two.

"See! That squeaky puppy is still there! Suspicious!" Crunchy Chip exclaimed, gesturing at the toy. "How is it moving on its own? Is it some form of magic?! WELL?! Answer me! Is it magic?!"

"Magic? No, no. There's a winding key right here, hidden under its fur!" The merchant answered, pulling the said key and twisting it a couple times.

"Suspicious... very suspicious! I need to take a closer look for myself!" Crunchy Chip stated, looking for an excuse to take a look. "HOW MUCH IS THIS?!"

"15 Coins! A best bargain price!" The merchant replied, holding the toy.

"15 Coins?! That's worth so many Dark Cacao rations! Hm... Fine! Deal! Gimme one!" Crunchy Chip haggled, buying the toy.

"There you go! Enjoy!" The merchant gave the toy, which immediately began to squeak.

"Ended up buying one?" Wildberry raised an eyebrow, not surprised, having watched the entire exchange in amusement.

"HEY! This is how I learn about new places, alright?" Crunchy Chip defended, holding the toy. "...And this puppy kinda looks like my Cream Wolf!"

"Eyes up front. Watch where you're going." Wildberry reminded, not wanting the wolf captain to get lost in the crowds.

"What's that?! Is that..." Crunchy Chip stopped to smell the air, catching the scent of something familiar. "Is this what they call a Herring Jelly Pie? How could anyone think to make PIE out of Herring Jellies?! What are these Republic folk thinking?"

"Here. Bought it for you." Wildberry sighed, handing the pie.

"You bought a pie?!" Crunchy Chip exclaimed, not expecting the gift.

"Mm-hmm. Herring Jellies are sweeter than you'd think." Wildberry responded, remembering the time he and the others tried the same treat.

"...Sweet?!" Crunchy Chip exclaimed, his expression morphing into disbelief.

"Try one." Wildberry coaxed, holding a slice to Crunchy Chip.

"No... NO! Must... resist... temptation!" Crunchy Chip resisted, clenching his teeth and fists.

"As you wish." Wildberry shrugged, taking the slice for himself.

"...OK, maybe... just ONE... bite... NO! NO NO! Gotta snap out of it! A warrior of the Dark Cacao must not be tempted by sweets! What if His Majesty finds out?!" Crunchy Chip shook his head, trying to resist the urge to eat the pie.

"King Dark Cacao Cookie may be more understanding and trusting than you realize. If he was not, why would he send you here?" Wildberry pointed out, reminding the captain that the king had faith in him.

"You... have a good point. OK then... just one!" Crunchy Chip took a single bite, savoring the flavor. His mood changed almost instantly. "It's... DELICIOUS?! The savoriness of the Herring Jelly and the nuttiness of the pastry! Wait... why am I talking like this?!"

"Hm...?!" Wildberry's expression darkened as he spotted something unusual in the crowd.

"Hey! What gives? I'm just describing food!" Crunchy Chip defended, offended by the reaction.

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