The Forgotten...

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Then, in the midst of his emotional turmoil, Mochaccino heard a familiar voice behind him, causing him to flinch. "I saw what you got up to in the Consul's chambers. Mischievous, especially against our newest guest. You seem fun, I think I'll tag along with you for a little while."

"Ah!" Mochaccino gasped, his tear-streaked face snapping up, startled by the sudden voice.

With a determined effort to dry his tears and regain his composure, he turned around, only to find Strawberry Crepe standing there, a hint of amusement in their eyes. It was astounding how much could transpire in such a brief span of time.

It appeared that Mochaccino had already garnered an admirer of his work, as the young engineer seemed to sport a sly grin, clearly enjoying the minor startle they had inflicted on the scientist.

"Ahem... H-hello, Strawberry Crepe Cookie," Mochaccino stammered, his voice betraying a sense of unease. "If I may ask, did you witness my, um, recent visit to the Consul's quarters? If you did, could you kindly keep this between us?"

"Eh, it's not that big a deal," Strawberry Crepe responded with a casual shrug. "But I'll cut to the chase. You were investigating in the Consul's chambers, right? So, what were you looking for? Did you find anything interesting?"

"I was following His Majesty's orders. As for making any discoveries, it's not as simple as that when it involves deciphering Light Magic enchantments. If I could read them, it would be a different story," Mochaccino lamented, a tinge of disappointment in his voice.

Strawberry Crepe's grin remained undiminished as they leaned in closer, exuding an air of enthusiasm. "Well, don't worry, because you and I can figure this out. Just imagine what two geniuses like us could accomplish. We can make history."

"That's... not the matter at hand, my friend. I simply cannot bring myself to believe the Consul would have anything evil planned. He's not a bad Cookie," Mochaccino reasoned, his voice tinged with uncertainty as he grappled with his inner doubts.

"But what if he is?" Strawberry Crepe insisted, deftly stoking the embers of Mochaccino's apprehension. "Think about it, he could just be concealing his true intentions from everyone, cloaked behind his 'politeness' and 'courtesy.' Or maybe, he's orchestrating some intricate plot, a game of chess in motion."

"I have no desire to entertain such a notion. We all have our secrets, and perhaps he's no different. But he has never given me reason to doubt him," Mochaccino responded, his voice carrying a hint of exasperation, pushing back against the doubts clouding his judgment.

"Yeah, and asking for the Soul Jams of the Ancient Heroes is totally a normal thing," Strawberry Crepe quipped, their tone dripping with sarcasm. "I mean, wanting to gather all three Soul Jams in one place is surely not suspicious."

Mochaccino lapsed into silence, the weight of the engineer's words hanging in the air. His lack of immediate response served as a tacit acknowledgment of the uncomfortable truth. "...I still don't want to believe it, not without proof," he admitted, his voice tinged with reluctance.

"C'mon Mochaccino Cookie... what other proof do you need? He shows up out of nowhere, scanned for 2% connivingness within his dough, and asks for the Soul Jams all willy nilly..." Strawberry Crepe listed off each point, their mechanical fingers ticking through the list like an animated inventory.

"...and the icing on the cake with a big, juicy cherry on top... he reveals that the White Lily Cookie is actually Dark Enchantress Cookie," they added, a conspiratorial gleam in their electronic eyes as they delivered their argument. "Do I have to spell it out for you or what? He's planning something."

Despite Mochaccino's persistent denial, he couldn't deny the logic in Strawberry Crepe's words. The engineer had presented a compelling case against Clotted Cream's intentions

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