The Commotion

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While the group was running, Madeleine wasn't far behind, just arriving at the Back Alley."Espresso Cookie! Mochaccino Cookie! What on Earthbread have you both done? Why are your faces all over the Republic's bounty boards?! And Mochaccino Cookie's bounty is pretty high! I don't think I've come across an amount so high these recent years!" He questioned to himself.

"THIS WAY!" One of the soldiers shouted, running past Madeleine.

"Get them!" Another soldier demanded.

"Do not lose sight of them!" The third soldier growled.

"Huh?! But that armor...! Soldiers of House Custard?! All after Espresso Cookie?! He may be difficult at times, but he wouldn't harm anyone! At least, not on purpose! I must find out what happened!" Madeleine declared, starting to run again.

To Choco Mud Town everyone ran, trying their hardest to lose the soldiers. "This way, Black Raisin Cookie! Over here! Am I sure glad to see you! When did you get here?!" Gingerbrave asked, relieved.

"Pure Vanilla Cookie asked me to tail you from the shadows! To keep an eye on the Soul Jam! I've been keeping tabs on you since the Vanilla Kingdom!" Black Raisin replied, her voice being heard, but she was not present.

"And for the best, I might add. Are the crows keeping the Soul Jam safe?" Mochaccino asked, concerned.

"Don't worry about them. They're just as skilled in stealth and combat as I. They'll keep it safe!" Black Raisin assured.

"Keep running, you three! The guards are still on our tail!" Wildberry reminded, keeping an eye on the soldiers.

"Over there! It's Seaweed Cookie! Let us ask her for help!" Espresso shouted, seeing the seaweed-haired gravedigger.

"Espresso Cookie? You came to visit, just like you said! Wow, you've really changed, haven't you?" Seaweed Cookie chuckled, smiling a bit.

"Seaweed Cookie. We need to hide. Help us." Espresso requested, his tone serious. But, then it seemed to falter a bit. "But, it is good to see you as well."

"Still playing hide-n-seek after all these years? I spoke too soon. Maybe you haven't changed at all." Seaweed Cookie laughed, a little amused.

"Fan out! They're here somewhere!" A Custard soldier called out, getting their weapons at the ready.

"Search everywhere, even in the mud!" Another soldier demanded.

"Oh? Playing hide-n-seek with some very high stakes, I see..." Seaweed Cookie said, before noticing something. "Alright, get in the kelp tent! It should be large enough to keep ya hidden."

"Where are they?! They've gotta be around here somewhere!" The Custard soldiers questioned, looking around.

"Phew... What do we do now?" Gingerbrave whispered, worried.

"We must send word to the Pure Vanilla Cookie, who is currently at the Upper City. As well as the rest of the Ancient Heroes in the Vanilla Kingdom. They must be made aware of the situation and they alone may be able to provide a solution." Espresso whispered back, frowning.

"I've a few more crows at the ready. Should we write a letter and send it to the Vanilla Kingdom?" Black Raisin asked, a crow resting on her arm.

"The distance is too far for a crow... There must be another way..." Espresso pondered, thinking.

"Wait a minute, I can reach Pure Vanilla Cookie. Without the Soul Jam's power no longer at risk of being absorbed by me, I can fly over to him at full speed." Mochaccino whispered, a realization striking him.

A Light's Flicker - OC x Cookie RunWhere stories live. Discover now