The Newcomers

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"The old... Vanilla Kingdom?" Hollyberry's voice trembled with disbelief, her eyes widening as she struggled to comprehend the implications of Clotted Cream's revelation.

"The Vanilla Kingdom suffered the most from Dark Enchantress Cookie's war. The entire kingdom had been sealed away until recently." Dark Cacao explained, his voice tinged with a somber tone as he recounted the tragic history of the Dark Flour War.

"Yes, that is true. Fortunately, the Vanillians were able to escape the kingdom before its collapse. They fled on an airship before everything was sealed away. The winds blew in their favor, and they managed to reach a new land." Clotted Cream elaborated, his voice resonating with the weight of the past. "My ancestors were surprised to find this land already inhabited by sea-faring Cookies. The Vanillians offered their knowledge and culture to them. Eventually, the two groups of Cookies came together to build our Crème Republic."

"A Cookie from House Custard?! So there were others who survived! This is such great news! We are honored to welcome you to the Vanilla Kingdom!" Pure Vanilla exclaimed, his eyes gleaming with a mix of awe and excitement.

"The pleasure is all mine, Pure Vanilla Cookie. It is an honor to meet one of the forefathers." Clotted Cream responded, his voice filled with reverence, as he bowed deeply before the Vanilla Kingdom's revered leader.

"Who is that Cookie with you?" Wildberry questioned, his eyes fixed on the figure standing beside Clotted Cream.

"My name is Financier Cookie. I am accompanying Consul Clotted Cream Cookie on his mission." The Paladin introduced herself, her voice carrying a sense of purpose.

"A 'mission?' And I assume this mission of yours is more than just saying hello to your ancestor? Out with-!" Crunchy Chip interjected, his tone filled with skepticism and suspicion, before Mochaccino intervened to maintain decorum.

"Forgive my companion's abruptness. However, it would be wise for us to understand the nature of your intentions before proceeding." Mochaccino interjected, his raised hand silencing Crunchy Chip's brusque remarks.

"Ah, yes, right." Clotted Cream replied, his voice steady and composed. "Have you not gathered here to discuss the course of action regarding Dark Enchantress Cookie? My sole purpose is to provide assistance at this dire hour. As the descendants of the Vanilla Kingdom, the Cookies of the Republic have every right to attend this Council and voice our concerns. We have every reason to join this war against Dark Enchantress Cookie. Not to mention that our resources and armed forces will be of great benefit to the war effort."

"Yes, of course you may join us! Crème Republic, you say? Please, join us! Let us discuss the preparations for this war." Pure Vanilla agreed with a joyful nod, his eyes filled with gratitude and hope.

"Thank you kindly, Pure Vanilla Cookie. And it is an honor to meet you both, Hollyberry Cookie and Dark Cacao Cookie. I am truly at awe that I am in the presence of the Great Heroes. I look forward to finding a solution to this grave threat alongside all of you." Clotted Cream expressed with sincerity, his voice carrying a hint of reverence.

"What a joyous day! Words cannot express how happy I am to meet you all. You must be all exhausted from the long journey here. Please enjoy this feast we have prepared! Let us discuss the exact details when the Council commences tomorrow!" Pure Vanilla extended his hospitality with a warm smile.

After the festivities, Mochaccino felt the need to check up on the progress of Dark Cacao's campgrounds. But before doing so, he accompanied Gingerbrave to explore the castle further. Their explorations led them to Clotted Cream's Chamber, where the atmosphere was serene and inviting.

Clotted Cream's inquisitive gaze fell upon Gingerbrave and Mochaccino as they stood in the grand chamber, remnants of the lavish banquet lingering in the air. "You were at the banquet earlier, correct? How should I address each of you?"

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