The Inquiries

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At the Harbor, a few sailors were loading crates onto the deck of a large ship. "Heya, whoa there! Halt!" One of them commanded, halting Gingerbrave, Crunchy Chip, and Wildberry.

"What brings you to the Naval Shipyard? These facilities are off-limits to unauthorized Cookies!" Another sailor asked, a serious expression visible on his face.

"Huh... Aren't you kinda short for a guard? Hey, Wildberry Cookie. Wanna bet who can get through these two first? That punch of yours can pack a wallop, can't it?" Crunchy Chip egged on, his gaze challenging the larger Cookie.

"...Diplomacy is not your strong suit, is it?" Wiildberry remarked, a hint of exasperation apparent in his tone.

"Hi there! We were wondering if we could meet Captain Caviar Cookie! It's our first time in the Crème Republic, and we have some questions for him!" Gingerbrave explained, a cheerful tone present in his voice.

"Ya got kelp for brains?! The captain isn't someone you can just ask for willy-nilly!" A sailor scoffed, a skeptical look visible in his eyes.

"Yeah! And he's- OH! Captain, sir!" The other sailor called out, spotting the Elder approaching.

"Ease up there, mates! These are visitors from abroad! And they got the air of wanting to learn the ropes!" Captain Caviar greeted, a smile gracing his features. "Well, here I am! Wuddya want from this ole' sea dog? In fact, why don't you hop on deck!"

"The ship is adorned with various trophies and medals. Exactly what sort of Cookie are we dealing with?" Wildberry questioned, gazing around at the various trinkets scattered across the deck.

"Have a seat, have a seat! How d'ya like my ship? Ain't she a beaut?!" Captain Caviar asked, gesturing toward a nearby chair.

"I think there's something wrong with the floor! It's like... shaking back and forth like an earthquake!" Crunchy Chip noted, looking down at the ground, starting to get a bit woozy.

"Ya don't have any sea legs at all, do ya, outsider! What sort of warrior be afraid of some wee lil waves? If ya feel like your insides are churning and spinning like a maelstrom, take a sip of this, eh?" Captain Caviar jested, laughing a bit before handing everyone a bottle filled with some sort of liquid.

"EUGH! ACK!" Gingerbrave blew raspberry as he spat out the liquid. "It's so SALTY!"

"Of course it is! It's juice made from the freshest seawater! It feels good to have salt flow through your dough, eh! So tell me. You lot are from the continent across the sea? Then ya be aware of Dark Enchantress Cookie and the oncoming war then?" Captain Caviar inquired, his expression turning serious.

"Yeah, Dark Enchantress Cookie is waiting for a chance to attack. She's already tried to spark war several times. But the next attack may be the big one...!" Gingerbrave answered, his tone carrying a sense of urgency.

"Is that why the Soul Jam is needed? To defeat Dark Enchantress Cookie?" Captain Caviar questioned, his brow furrowing slightly.

"Exactly! Sharing the power of Soul Jam might give Cookies the chance to stand up against Dark Enchantress Cookie!" Gingerbrave confirmed, a confident tone evident in his voice.

"Aye, aye... But explain to this this... Do we really NEED the Soul Jam? Ain't it quicker to call up the fleet and go in with cannons blazin'? I can't wrap my head around it... bring some foreign artifacts for... research? BAH! Too slow of a plan for me!" Captain Caviar countered, his tone expressing an air of doubt.

"You genuinely seem to believe you can hold your own." Wildberry remarked, crossing his arms in thought.

"But of course, lad! You think these trophies and medals be nothin' but paperweights?! The blue seas surrounding our Republic are peaceful thanks to me and my fleet's campaign against the pirates!" Captain Caviar declared, pointing at the various medals he sported with pride. "If it weren't for the fleet, why, the city might end up as a lawless cove for a PARTICULARLY smelly turtle of a pirate and his lot!"

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