The Investigation

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As the conversation unfolded, the Cacao-Droid diligently recorded every word exchanged. Clotted Cream, with a relieved countenance, approached the group.

"Strawberry Crepe Cookie, Espresso Cookie! I have been searching for you!" He exclaimed, his voice brimming with genuine relief.

"Oh! 2% Connivingness! Come in!" Strawberry Crepe greeted with a touch of playful sarcasm, bestowing their own mocking nickname upon Clotted Cream.

"...Yet again, you see right through me, young friend. Ha ha!" Clotted Cream replied, his demeanor maintaining its unyielding politeness in the face of Strawberry Crepe's jest. "Hm, I wonder... Have you ever analyzed any of the Ancient Heroes' dough? An inquisitive mind such as yourself must have found them rather fascinating!"

"I tried, ALRIGHT! But even my superb equipment has its limits against them! Some kind of overwhelming power almost fried it! And I never tried again ever since..." Strawberry Crepe explained, a tinge of frustration seeping into their words.

"'Overwhelming power," you say...?" Clotted Cream repeated, his features contorted in contemplation as he processed this newfound revelation.

"Strawberry Crepe Cookie, you should see this...! One of the Wafflebots broke down while helping us build a house!" A distressed villager suddenly burst into their midst, racing towards the group with an anxious expression etched upon their face.

With a begrudging sigh, Strawberry Crepe found themselves compelled to abandon the ongoing conversation and lend a hand to the troubled Cookie. "WHAT? Did you feed the robot yucky raisins again?! They are PRECISION TOOLS! I told you A HUNDRED TIMES that you should treat them with CAUTION! UGH! Guess I must go and fix it, AGAIN! SO LONG!"

Observing as Strawberry Crepe departed to assist the villager, Clotted Cream turned his attention back to Espresso. "The Ancients' dough... Overwhelming power... What on Earthbread could Soul Jam be?" He pondered aloud, his mind consumed by deep contemplation.

"The data we've managed to gather indicated that Soul Jam's main component could be Life Powder. Highly compressed, this Life Powder - enriched jam crystallized into a hard candy - like state bearing the energy of Life itself." Espresso elucidated, his voice maintaining its customary professional timbre. "However, despite our best efforts, we were unable to identify neither the origin of this substance nor how it was introduced to the Cookie Continent. What we know for certain is that primordial Cookies regarded the Soul Jam as a gift from the gods."

"Power of an unknown origin... No wonder those who wield it are called 'Heroes.'" Clotted Cream murmured, his voice tinged with a mixture of reverence and awe.

"I will summarize our findings in a written report, sir." Espresso declared, retrieving his trusty pen and notebook from the recesses of his coat pocket.

"Thank you. Until next time." Clotted Cream acknowledged, setting off in search of another individual.

"Target's objective confirmed: Analysis of Soul Jam's composition. Preliminary research suggests that the primary ingredient in Soul Jam is an intensely concentrated form of Life Powder. Information remains incomplete. Proceed with target's investigation." The ever-vigilant Cacao-Droid murmured, faithfully trailing Clotted Cream as he embarked on his next endeavor.

Leaping gracefully from rooftop to rooftop, as light-footed as a feather, the Cacao-Droid maintained a cautious distance, deftly concealing itself or blending into the surroundings whenever Clotted Cream glanced in its direction.

Failure was not an option, and thus, it had to exercise utmost care to evade detection. Observing as Clotted Cream entered the Solarium of Unity, the Cacao-Droid lingered a few seconds behind, ensuring its presence remained concealed while keeping a watchful eye on its target.

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