The Relief

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And true to Strawberry Crepe's speculation, Mochaccino was presently situated within the walls of the Institute of Thaumaturgy, engaged in a study alongside Espresso, likely an attempt to bury his concerns under an ocean of academic discourse.

"Oh, Mochaccino Cookie. I meant to tell you, without your permission to be granted, Dark Cacao Cookie's Soul Jam is still intact. Clotted Cream Cookie made it quite clear that every study is to be conducted with your permission and supervision." Espresso stated, notifying Mochaccino of the recent developments.

"I hope that did not hold back your studies too much, did it?" Mochaccino questioned, the words escaping his lips with a slightly worried tone. "Having only Miss Hollyberry Cookie and Sir Pure Vanilla Cookie's Soul Jam to work with would be rather difficult."

"It was nothing we could not overcome. I do speculate we've been set back at least a week or two, but now with your genius and intellect, we can make up for lost time. As well as begin research on Your Majesty's Soul Jam." Espresso reassured Mochaccino, patting his fellow Coffee Tribe scientist on the shoulder.

"Well then, let's not keep wasting any further time. Let's resume every bit of research that hasn't been done without me to authorize. We can compare notes and discuss any observations and experiments. It's been a while since I've felt the exhilaration of conducting thorough and lengthy research alongside a peer." Mochaccino expressed, his spirits visibly returning, his eyes alight with excitement and joy.

"That's the Mochaccino Cookie I know. The Mochaccino Cookie that makes my work a whole lot easier to bear when you are present," Espresso chuckled, grabbing a notebook and pen before gesturing for Mochaccino to follow him to the Soul Jams' holding facility.

"Mochaccino Cookie!" Pure Vanilla's voice cried out from across the room, prompting the scientist to turn in his direction.

"Sir Pure Vanilla Cookie, what are you doing here?" Mochaccino asked, visibly confused and startled about his sudden appearance.

"I came looking for you! Strawberry Crepe Cookie told me everything about the incident," Pure Vanilla exclaimed, running up to Mochaccino. "I'm terribly worried about you."

"I'm doing fine, really. I was just about to get to work on my studies." Mochaccino informed, attempting to assuage Pure Vanilla's concerns. "I just... I'm not proud of what I did. I can't look at myself the same anymore... The strawberry jam is stained on my hands, and it will never wash off. If I'm certain of something... this will haunt me forever."

"Oh dear... please, Mochaccino Cookie. Just come with me, and we'll have a talk." Pure Vanilla insisted, gently guiding Mochaccino. "If that is okay with you, and Espresso Cookie. I don't want to hold you back."

"By all means, go and speak with him. I will conduct some tests while you're gone. Just be sure to return swiftly. And do take care, Mochaccino Cookie." Espresso stated, walking toward the Soul Jams' holding facility as Mochaccino nodded in understanding.

"Come with me. There's a lovely little spot by the Republic's lake that we can sit down and chat. You can tell me what's on your mind," Pure Vanilla encouraged, taking Mochaccino's hand and guiding him outside the institute.

A gentle breeze ruffled the water's surface, creating a pleasant ambiance as Mochaccino and Pure Vanilla arrived. The sun's radiant glow illuminated the serene waters, its warmth enveloping the shore.

"Please, take a seat," Pure Vanilla beckoned, gesturing to the bench.

After taking a seat, Mochaccino exhaled, his tone carrying a note of regret, "I'm sorry I caused you and everyone else so much concern. I was not in my right state of mind, and that doesn't excuse what I did... but I want to believe I did it for the right reasons. But even then, the methods were wrong. I just..."

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