The Suspicions

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The following morning, Mochaccino emerged from his laboratory, having dedicated the previous night to enhancing his latest creation. His electricity harnessing suit had undergone significant upgrades, its capacity to handle higher voltage and more powerful surges now elevated.

The automatic combat mode within the suit had also undergone significant improvements. Through the accumulation of vast amounts of data, it could now analyze and adapt to its opponents' capabilities, evolving into an unrivaled defense system. Today, Mochaccino's plan was to engage in a sparring session with Dark Cacao, his king, in order to put the new features of his suit to the ultimate test.

Aware of the past incident that had unfolded months ago, Mochaccino understood the necessity of being prepared to withstand any unforeseen circumstances that might arise. Furthermore, the sparring session would provide an opportunity for the suit to gather valuable data on Dark Cacao's formidable swordsman skills.

Stepping out of his laboratory, Mochaccino made his way towards the teleporter, utilizing its power to warp back to the Vanilla Kingdom. As he exited the trailer housing the teleportation device, he found himself inadvertently entering a conversation between Dark Cacao and Clotted Cream

"An unexpected visitor. Clotted Cream Cookie. What brings you here?" Dark Cacao inquired, his tone tinged with a lingering sense of distrust.

Clotted Cream's smile remained unwavering as he responded, exuding an air of politeness and admiration. "Oh, I find a good walk in the morning rather beneficial! Besides, there is much I would like to learn about the fabled Dark Cacao Kingdom! Your Majesty has managed to keep the throne for such a long time, warding off dire monsters and beasts... Your Cookies must respect you greatly. And that impressive wall! The warriors of Dark Cacao are famous for their impeccable discipline. All thanks to Your Majesty, an exemplar of wisdom and strength!" Clotted Cream said, his smile still ever-present.

"Hmm. Our warriors are strong and our blades are sharp indeed. But our main source of defense is not the wall, or the training grounds, or even the Watchers." Dark Cacao retorted, his voice tinged with caution.

"It's the Royal Scientist, the inventor of the electric field, specialized combat suits, the Cacao-Droids, and more. The power of science and the resilience of machines have guided the kingdom through difficult times, and we have made it through each challenge thus far unscathed." He continued, his wariness still apparent.

"All this time, you have been defending the continent greatly. Our own Republic owes the Dark Cacao Kingdom its safety! Yet, I cannot help but wonder... Where does the source of such great strength lie?" Clotted Cream pondered Dark Cacao's words, his gaze lingering on the sword clutched firmly in the king's grasp.

"Protecting the whole world with nothing but a sword is no simple feat, even for a great king such as yourself. Tell me, what fuels your might? Or is it... the sword itself?" His question carried a hint of intrigue.

Dark Cacao's eyes narrowed as Clotted Cream's attention fixated on his sword. "Such uncanny interest in my sword! Are you, too, tempted by its magical powers?" His grip on the hilt tightened, his voice laced with suspicion.

"...Tempted? No, not at all! I offer my apologies for causing a misunderstanding." Clotted Cream hastily clarified, attempting to allay Dark Cacao's concerns. "I was merely... curious about the secret to your land's greatness."

"Great power brings nothing but dangers and hardships of equal scale. Many a covetous gaze has been aimed at this blade, yet none have managed to wrest it from my hand."Dark Cacao warned, his grip unyielding. "You too should not try, unless you are prepared for the consequences of your actions. Do not query about this sword, for you are in no right to claim it."

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