The Presentation

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The next day, Espresso and Mochaccino couldn't be more ecstatic to announce their success. "Hey, Espresso Cookie! Hey, Mochaccino Cookie! I see you both got some sleep! How are the Magic Candies going?" Gingerbrave greeted, seeing the two.

"We believe our goal has been achieved, creating a candy that is capable of retaining the power of Soul Jam. Now, all that is left is to present it before the Elders with surface-level explanations." Espresso smirked, excited for the demonstration.

"Let us go, then. We don't want to keep them waiting." Mochaccino suggested, leading the other cookies away.

"Yes, we mustn't dawdle. The sooner we show our discovery, the sooner we can make more." Espresso nodded, agreeing as he followed behind.

They two scientists, accompanied by Gingerbrave, made their way to Mansion Custard, where Clotted Cream's office was. They gave a brief breakdown of the experiment, and were granted the chance to demonstrate the process.

"Is this true? Are you certain? You've succeeded in creating a candy capable of storing the power of Soul Jam?" Clotted Cream asked, wanting confirmation.

"Yes. The energy in Soul Jam has been transferred into a receptacle of compressed sugar, finished with a few drops of espresso. It is to noted, however, that espresso is not the key ingredient for its stability. We will explain once we are granted the Elders' audience." Espresso nodded.

"Mochaccino Cookie! We heard the news! Is it true?!" Crunchy Chip asked as he also entered the room beside Wildberry.

"Are the three Soul Jam unharmed and intact?" Wildberry asked, curious about the results.

"Yes. They are in perfect condition, not a single crack or blemish. By the way, the experiment only extracted the smallest sliver of energy. The Soul Jam are essentially identical to before with no change in aroma or composition." Mochaccino reported, reassuring the two.

"What will you be calling this new invention?" Clotted Cream inquired, intrigued.

"Mochaccino Cookie and I have settled on the name 'Magic Candy.' The outer layers are essentially the same as ordinary candy. But contained within is the power of the Ancient Heroes themselves, magic that cannot be matched." Espresso answered, showing the creation.

"It's simple and sweet!" Gingerbrave remarked, impressed.

"Ha ha, I concur. The Magic Candy must be presented to the Elders at once! Achieving success in such a short window of time is no small feat. You both have performed nothing less than a miracle, Espresso Cookie and Mochaccino Cookie." Clotted Cream nodded, amazed by the two's abilities. "Your miracle shall be the greatest gift for all Cookies. This may well indeed signal a new era for our Republic."

"But, before we do, Mochaccino Cookie..." Espresso turned to the scientist. "Are you alright with presenting yourself before all Elders? The last thing I want is to hear the nagging voice of one of them, criticizing you for what happened regarding the masked Cookies. I can present this to them myself."

"You are too kind, my friend, but you need not worry. I am fully prepared to present this to them, no matter what." Mochaccino smiled, appreciating the gesture. "Let us get moving, and take the first step toward a new world."

"Hm, I should've known your enthusiasm wouldn't be hindered by any doubts. Very well, then. Let us go." Espresso smiled, leading the group out.

Everyone headed to the Convocation Chamber, where the Elders awaited. "Venerable Elders! I hereby present to you... The fruition of Espresso Cookie and Mochaccino Cookie's research, a new revolutionary candy never seen before in the history of Earthbread! We call it... Magic Candy!" Clotted Cream announced, gesturing to the two.

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