The Chase

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To Manor Oyster the consul and scientist headed, discussing what had been done thus far, and pick up some more pearls for research of Pearl Candies. "This blend you have prepared is quite exquisite. I could not help but keep wanting for more. Its rich and deep flavors are... calming." Clotted Cream hummed, a small smile on his face. "I do hope Mochaccino Cookie's presence is not a burden."

"Not at all. Quite the opposite, in fact." Oyster shook her head, sipping her tea. "A pleasant surprise, a guest joining you. And I'm glad you like it. It's quite special, you see. House Oyster's little secret, if you will! Here, have some more. We have more than enough oyster shells after all. Now then. What's this about a 'strong, free Republic'?"

"Ah, yes. Allow me to elaborate. On the surface, everyone is free here, in the Republic. Everyone wears a smile on their face, everything works like finely tuned clockwork." Clotted Cream explained, taking a small sip of the tea. "But I believe... that there is unknown fear that's haunting our people. Fear of the Dark Flour War back in the Vanilla Kingdom, and... fear between the two irreconcilable factions of our society. A place open to everyone yet controlled by few."

"There are those who reign over the masses with power and wealth gained through nurturing fear in the hearts of the Cookies. These Cookies in power can eat whatever Jelly they wish, and they do not fret about their dough growing stale." Clotted Cream continued, explaining the state of affairs. "But the world outside the Republic is changing. New kingdoms and nations are rising as we speak, and we're against a grave threat: Dark Enchantress Cookie. How long do you think the Republic will last in these turbulent times? I believe... that we need a new force that will protect ourselves."

"Well, well, well. I see that you're quite different from your predecessors. Yes, you're the youngest and freshest to become Consul, but even so... In fact, I've always wondered where you've set your sights on. But hearing you today... You have definitely piqued my interest. I look forward to seeing where your leadership brings our Republic." Oyster remarked, smiling a bit.

"Thank you." Clotted Cream nodded, glad he had been given a chance.

"So, tell me. What have you done with the pearls we provided?" Oyster asked, curious.

"Espresso Cookie is currently using them to produce more Pearl Candies. Thanks to our previous progress being so rapid, repeating a Magic Candy's creation with pearls serving as a vessel was a simple matter." Mochaccino answered, smiling a bit. "Though, Espresso Cookie's concerns for the future use of such power is... understandable."

"If I may add to the matter, I would be painted as a liar if I did not admit my own concerns. The Soul Jam, while secure, is still at risk of being stolen. With Espresso Cookie's concerns and the threat of Dark Enchantress Cookie... Well, it is something I have begun to worry over myself." Clotted Cream added, sighing a bit. "Which brings me to my next proposal."

"Hm?" Oyster looked at the consul, wondering what he had in mind.

"Mochaccino Cookie, I now know how much you wish to secure the Soul Jam's safety. You've already shown as much, by the way you've acted towards Espresso Cookie's concern." Clotted Cream turned to the scientist, curious. "And you have proven to be a trustworthy ally, given how much you've aided the Institute of Thaumaturgy's research. With that in mind, I'd like to request you personally safeguard the Soul Jam. If anyone can protect it, I believe it is you. Do you accept?"

"My, is this Cookie truly worthy of such responsibility?" Oyster asked, glancing at the scientist, admittedly intrigued by the request. "To trust this Cookie with such an important task... That's quite the gamble, Clotted Cream Cookie. Are you sure you want to take that risk?"

"It is not a gamble, nor a risk. I have seen Mochaccino Cookie's capabilities, and am certain that he will handle this task with care and diligence." Clotted Cream insisted, glancing at the scientist. "Mochaccino Cookie, what say you?"

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