The Snap...

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"WOAH! I've never seen the sky so blue! And look at all these awesome buildings! I never imagined that the Crème Republic was gonna be THIS BIG!" Gingerbrave exclaimed, his face pressed against the airship's window, his wide eyes drinking in the breathtaking cityscape unfolding beneath him.

"My friends. Allow me the honor to be the first to welcome you to the Crème Republic: where culture and magichanical technology thrive!" Clotted Cream greeted, pride and joy resonating in his voice, the gleam in his eyes reflecting the excitement of showcasing the Republic's beauty and technological achievements.

"Is this what oceans are supposed to look like? It's a lot cleaner than the Licorice Sea!" Crunchy Chip chimed in, his features a canvas of amazement and surprise.

"It is! Isn't it beautiful, Crunchy Chip Cookie?" Mochaccino responded, his tone brimming with awe and a genuine smile that masked the underlying anxiety and guilt plaguing his thoughts. The need to appear normal pressed on him, uncertainty shrouding his actions.

"The climate is cool and crisp too. Much milder than the Hollyberry Kingdom's," Wildberry added, his observant eyes sweeping over the environment, absorbing the intricate details that registered in his attentive mind.

"HA HA! Hence the reason why the Crème Republic is the greatest land for all Cookies!" Madeleine boasted, his voice carrying a confident lilt, a smirk adorning his features, and an aura of arrogance and pride radiating from his presence. "Everywhere you look, at every turn and every corner, there is nothing but beauty and kindness! Bask in the radiance of our city, my friends! Enjoy what the city has to offer!"

"Consul, sir. Shall I send word to the Elders that we have arrived?" Financier addressed Clotted Cream, her voice betraying a hint of impatience and urgency, a slight note of concern and apprehension coloring her words.

"I beg to differ. Our first stop must be the laboratory. We must analyze the Soul Jam without delay," Espresso corrected, opting for the more pragmatic approach.

"Decisions, decisions... Right! My friends, your opinions on this matter would be greatly appreciated." Clotted Cream requested, his eyes holding the weight of a decision, a hint of apprehension and concern clouding his expression.

"The Soul Jam should be taken to the lab first, shouldn't it?" Gingerbrave asked, his head tilting curiously as he tried to grasp the gravity of the situation.

"I second that opinion. After all, it was the purpose of our mission, wasn't it?" Mochaccino agreed, his expression a carefully constructed mask of neutrality and calm, his gaze projecting an illusion of confidence with meticulous precision.

"They're right! Keeping the Soul Jam safe and secure is critical!" Crunchy Chip supported their words, a resolute gleam in his eyes reflecting a deep sense of responsibility and duty that rested on his shoulders.

"Additionally, we do not have the luxury of time. Each passing second denies us an opportunity to conduct another analysis on the Soul Jam." Espresso added, his words imbued with a sense of urgency, the underlying concern barely concealed beneath the layer of rationality.

"I agree that getting the Soul Jam to the Institute of Thaumaturgy should be our very first move. Let us cut across the Fountain Piazza." Clotted Cream decided, a hint of hesitation in his tone.

At the Fountain Piazza, the group was met with the sight of a grand fountain, its water spouting out, creating a magnificent display.

The crystal-clear water reflected the surrounding light, casting dancing patterns across the area and adding an extra layer of enchantment to the already magical atmosphere.

"Behold! The grand center of the Crème Republic: the Fountain Piazza!" Madeleine announced, his voice infused with pride and joy, the radiant smile on his face betraying his genuine appreciation and awe.

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