The Invasion

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"A fight, is it?" Mochaccino growled, his suit switching on with electricity crackling around him.

"I shall strike you down for our fallen Masked Cookies! For the Creators!" The Black Mask screamed, lunging at the scientist, only to be met with a blast of electricity they could just barely dodge.

"Keep your delusions out of the minds of the children!" Mochaccino shouted, firing another burst of electricity at the Black Mask.

From this point on, there was no more talking, just a deadly dance between the two Cookies. The black masked Cookie proved to be quite proficient in fighting, using their dagger to deflect attacks and counter with their own, though their speed was nowhere near as fast as Mochaccino.

Being in a tightly closed spot, Mochaccino didn't have much room to maneuver or gain some high ground, limiting him to a close-range fight, while the Black Mask was more than willing to be in close-range combat.

Electrifying his arms, Mochaccino lunged at the masked Cookie, his attacks being blocked and parried. With a struggle, but nonetheless. With a good strike, the Black Mask was sent flying into a wall, the electrical surges coursing through their body.

Soon, they recovered and lunged again, their dagger meeting Mochaccino's arm. The weapon managed to pierce the scientist's dough, but this gave an opening to send electricity through the blade into the masked Cookie.

"AGH!" The masked Cookie shouted, stumbling back. However, with a wound open, Mochaccino was now restricted to using only his other arm, as he could not risk the electricity flowing through his jam.

With a grunt, the Black Mask was met with a dropkick to the face, sending them crashing onto the ground. As the masked Cookie was recovering, Mochaccino charged up a blast with his uninjured arm, firing it at the masked Cookie.

"!!!" The black mask received the blast full-on, feeling an intense paralysis flow through their body. Everything was growing hazy and dark. Before they knew it, everything was black.

Mochaccino took deep breaths, panting after the fight. His arm hurt, but he would make sure to bandage it soon. For now, he would have to catch up to Financier and bring in the black masked Cookie.

Not long after, with his arm bandaged and the black masked Cookie tied and dragged to prison, he found himself in the Divine Sanctum, just in time for Mille-feuille's trial, being trapped in Clotted Cream's Light Cage.

"Elder Mille-feuille Cookie... You were the one pulling the strings. You were the one who ordered the White Masks to steal the Soul Jam!" The consul accused, scowling at the elder.

"..." Mille-feuille looked away, saying nothing.

"Who are you, really? What is your purpose? How long have you been planning this crime? Who are these gods that you speak of? Who do you and the White Masks serve? To whom are you devoting your faith? The Celestial Light of the Crème Republic does not speak of such foul gods." Clotted Cream demanded, wanting answers.

"..." Mille-feuille was quiet, refusing to say anything.

"SPEAK!" Clotted Cream snapped, losing patience with the elder.

"...As a Cookie of the Crème Republic, I reserve the right to not answer your questions and remain in silence." Mille-feuille finally said, looking up with a blank look.

"Are you not the one who carries the mantle of the Elder of Compassion? Helping orphans in need, providing them with meals and warm beds. Were you not their caretaker, acting in benevolence? How could you resort to such... such... violent and abhorrent deeds? How could you bring such turmoil upon our city?!" Clotted Cream demanded, still angry at what Mille-feuille did, how the elder could just sit there and not even try and justify herself.

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