The Advancements

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At the Institute of Thaumaturgy, Mochaccino was busy trying to figure out a particular problem regarding himself and the Magic Candy. "Espresso Cookie. Mochaccino Cookie. I see that you two are soldiering on with your research." Clotted Cream remarked, entering the laboratory. "I assumed the former of you would be resting, seeing how you've spent many sleepless nights."

"Pardon? Ah. I am indeed resting at the moment. A brain cluttered with research can only be organized and refreshed with further research. I find this form of rest more than suitable." Espresso responded, sipping a cup of coffee. "Mochaccino Cookie, however, is tackling a rather important problem."

"And what would that be? Does it regard the Magic Candy? Or perhaps something else?" Clotted Cream asked, curious.

"In some manner, yes. But, you see, what the Magic Candy does is amplify the magic within oneself. Espresso Cookie's Coffee Magic had been greatly enhanced, as you know. However, with an individual like me, who contains no trace of magic within, the Magic Candy cannot help." Mochaccino answered, revealing a rather interesting fact about himself.

"No magic?" Clotted Cream questioned, surprised. I have heard of no Cookie not containing the essence of magic within. Are you sure?"

"Positive. My body's magical signature is nonexistent." Mochaccino confirmed, recalling the time he checked. "I only have my intelligence and knowledge, for I have never been able to harness any kind of magic. Not even the most basic of spells, regardless of what I tried."

"And essentially, if he were to create a Magic Candy that bonded with his soul, there would be no magic to amplify or use." Espresso added, explaining the problem. "A most unfortunate outcome."

"I believe I may have the solution. If I can harness the function of Magic Candies to serve as a battery, then my Power Suit would be able to use it." Mochaccino offered, bringing out his blueprints. "If it works, then by my calculations, it would amplify the suit's performance and output, making it stronger than it already is."

"Should you need the resources to accomplish this, I am more than willing to provide whatever is needed." Clotted Cream offered, admittedly wanting to see what Mochaccino could do.

"And how do you plan on doing this? I assume that, as someone with no magical energy, even with an affinity to you, the Magic Candy will not be able to have any significant effect. Aside from a few physical boosts, that is." Espresso inquired, raising a brow.

"Which is why I'll get to developing a new kind of Magic Candy that works as a battery. My suit can absorb lighting and anything that manifests like such, so if I can transform the energy of a Magic Candy into one that resembles electricity, then it can be absorbed." Mochaccino clarified, laying out the plans. "And it all starts by doing this..."

He turned to an empty receptacle, using the power suit stored voltage to zap it, filling it with electricity and changing its color from clear to a bright blue. A new Magic Candy was created, and this one let out crackling sounds, as well as some streaks of lightning being produced.

"Hm, that was easy. I didn't expect the result to happen so quickly." Clotted Cream noted, watching as the experiment succeeded.

"The easy part, actually. Now, comes the complex part... modifying my suit to hold this Magic Candy. I've been planning doing so ever since Espresso Cookie and I created the first Magic Candy. I'll place this electrified version into the chestplate area of my suit, and modify the wiring and systems to hold and automatically absorb the energy provided by the candy." Mochaccino explained, already taking the Magic Candy and leaving to the more secluded area of the Institute to take off his suit and work on the modifications.

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