Chapter 15 - 3 Turning Points

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A/N: Pay attention.


[Next Morning]

Mi, es que tu no tiene' idea como tan bella te pareces. How soft you are when you are lying against me, sleeping, unaware of my eyes on you. The quiet, the stillness—I can stay here forever. You make me love falling asleep next to a gun every night; not the one I need to survive in case there's an intruder, no, the other one I need to survive, the one that don't play about me even with the safety on. Got me in my head, all poetic and shit. Fuck, I don't want you to think I'm corny. I remember all those times I was corny. Sometimes I get all dumb and insecure in my head and think the real reason you shot me was because I was so fucking corny with you. I love you, and I'mma be a lil fool now and then, but I'm not corny. Please remember that. Damn...I really wanna kiss you right now. Don't be mad at me still...please. Please, please, please, forget about last night and let me kiss you, and don't slap me again.

Lauren takes a subtle deep breath when Candy suddenly shifts in bed, and pretends to wake up a little and respond like the desire has just occurred to her: she tightens her arms around Candy's body and pulls her in closer against her back. Candy sleepily smiles as she feels a warm pair of lips plant tender kisses her shoulder and the side of her face. She doesn't complain when the kisses stop, because something just as good comes in as a substitution; Lauren lightly forks her fingers through the hair on the back of her head, gently scratching her scalp as if she were rubbing Shampoo into it.

"Buenos dias," Lauren mumbles. Candy responds with a hum, her eyes still closed and her body still on sleep mode. Lauren smiles when Candy reaches behind and grabs her hand that's in her hair, and brings it to her lips so she can shower them in kisses. "I'm so happy you're awake."

"Any special reason?"

"No. I just don't take life for granted. But I DID miss you in my sleep."

"Baby, I'm laying right beside you. How could you miss me?"

"I always miss you," Lauren hugs her impossibly closer and attacks her face with kisses again. "You could be on top of me and I'mma miss you." She puts her lips by her ear and continues to speak softly, "I love you. And I know we had a difficult time with each other lately, but that doesn't take away my love for you, mami. I'm exactly where I want to be. I used to pray for mornings like this. I'd rather wake up to you all the time, happy or mad, than sleep without you."

Candy almost lets Lauren have it after that one. Look at the cheater being extra cute. But it's early and she likes the mellow start to her day, so she's not gonna give her the slick answer she has on the tip of her tongue. "Did you know that I prayed for you? To come back to me from wherever you were, I didn't know if you were even still alive, I consulted a Santera and prayed for you. And now look," she moves Lauren's hand down to her heart. "Never underestimate the power of prayer; we both got what we want from it."

The gang leader grins and jerks her head back. "You went to a Santera about me? No wonder I was led to the religion. There was so much healing in my time in Cuba. Baby, you saved my fucking life."

"Just remember that I also have the power to take it the next time you wanna test me."

Lauren sees Candy wince before she groans into the pillow, and she lets go to abruptly get out of bed, not needing permission to act. But she lets Candy know she'll be right back. Moments later, Lauren returns with a tall glass of water, a bottle of ibuprofen between her teeth, and a plate of pancakes and eggs the house chef has already prepared before either of them woke up. She sets them down on the folding table she drags from the other side of the luxurious room, and brings it to Candy's side of the bed, moving the canopy curtains out of the way.

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