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A petite omega running in a dark alley followed by 3 beta men , tears flowing from his beautiful eyes, bruises on his body and face, bloody clothes. Without any direction he was just running for his dear life and cursing himself and thinking why all the bad happen with him only senseless of his surrounding he was just running and running looking behind if they are still following him.

Suddenly a car came and almost hitting the omega. The omega fell down on the road in fear covering his ears with his hand hoping for some help.

Two alpha male with dominating aura came down from the car in hurry and walk towards the petite omega. The omega thought they are one of them and started murmuring
'please leave me i haven't seen anything' ' i will not tell anyone anything'
both alpha looked at him in confusion one of them touched his shoulder but the omega got afraid and started to shiver, his whole body was shaking with fear, one of the alpha asked him what happen but the boy was not in the condition to listen anything he was continuosly saying to leave him. The other alpha make him stand try to comfort him,there was something that the two alpha looked at the boy with softness and worry in their eyes and told him that they will not do anything to him. The omega lift his head and look at the two alpha suddenly the betas who were following him came running.
The alphas got alerted, one of them drag the omega and hid him behind himself. One of the three beta saw it and warn them to not meddle with their business and give the omega to them,they took out their guns and point it toward the two alpha, the omega who was hiding behind got afraid thinking that this is the end now he cant escape from here and because of him the other two alpha are also in danger, he continue to sob. Smirk appear on the face of one of the alpha he arched his brow and take out his gun fire on the three beta ,bullet directly hit the head of one of the three beta, he fell on the ground. The omega shout because of the gunshot it distracted the alpha, he turn with worry in his eyes to look at the omega, the other beta took the opportunity and one of them shot toward the alpha and it hit his bicep blood was oozing from his arm the other alpha who was holding the omega took his gun out and shot the remaining two beta one by one directly on their head. The omega run toward the alpha who got shot in his arm, he hold the alphas arm and started to cry loudly saying sorry because of him the older got hurt,due to over exhaustion and pain in his body the omega fainted. The two alpha looked at the boy with worries in their eyes thinking that why the omega is in this condition.

The other alpha picked him up and settle him in the back seat he looked at the alpha who got shot and told him to sit in passenger seat,he himself got on the driving seat start to driving the car toward the hospital.

TBC ...

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