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In the blink of an eye, everything changed. Rain stood in front of the ICU room where Phayu was receiving treatment. Kim held Rain as tears streamed down his face, mirroring the relentless.

Broken and wailing, Rain's cries echoed in the hospital. Pete arrived, witnessing Rain's anguish, and as Rain saw Pete, he immediately sought solace in his embrace.

"Paa... Phii.. Phayy.. H... He..." Rain pointed towards the room, his voice choked with despair.

"Shhh.. My baby.. Your alpha is strong; nothing will happen to him. Don't worry," Pete said, suppressing his own tears, determined not to show weakness in front of Rain.

Aaron observed from a distance, his heart aching for Rain. Suddenly, Rain collapsed in Pete's arms.

"Vegas," Pete called urgently, and both Vegas and Aaron rushed to Rain's side.

"Rain... rain... What happened? Open your eyes," Aaron pleaded as Vegas picked up Rain. The doctor administered an IV drip, exhausted rain succumbed to unconsciousness.

Outside Phayu's room, everyone gathered anxiously. Sky sat beside Rain's bed, holding his hand, tears flowing as he observed Rain's condition.

"Don't cry, baby," Pai consoled Sky, but Sky couldn't help but express his worry.

"Look at his condition pale is his face ,how can i not worry, why does it always have to be him phii?? Sky said crying more loudly now.

Aaron was standing outside rain's room looking throw the glass.

"I failed... I failed to protect him," Aaron confessed, silently sobbing.


"Noo... Noo..p'phayu...blood.."

"Rain... rain... Open your eyes."

Startled awake, Rain found himself in a hospital room, surrounded by concerned faces. Panic set in as he questioned Phayu's whereabouts.

"Paa... Where is phiii?? I have to go," Rain insisted, removing the drip against Chay's protests.

"Rain, wait. You'll hurt yourself," Chay cautioned, but Rain was determined.

"Rain, stop," a powerful voice intervened. It was Vegas, using a tone he rarely employed with Rain. "First, relax. Your alpha will never want you to cry like this. He'll scold us for letting you cry so much." Vegas said comforting rain.

"Come let's go" Vegas holds rain's hand.

Rain can see everyone sitting outside the room. And two unknown faces as well.

Vegas guided Rain to Phayu's room, where the emotional turmoil continued

Rain was still quietly sobbing, tears still escaping his eyes.

"When rain entered the room, he saw phayu on the bed still unconscious, a few wires attached to his body".

Rain falls on his knees "why is he still sleeping dad?? Rain asked crying.

" Rain.. Phayu is fine he is just unconscious and he will wake up soon don't worry.

Pete is crying seeing rain like this.

Rain sits beside phayu's bed on the chair.

He held his hand, phayu's hand was quite cold. He slowly removes hair strains falling on phayu's face.

"I am sorry phii....because of me you are in this condition....please wake up phii.. Rain is waiting for you" Rain cried holding phayu's big hand in both of his small hands, releasing his pheromones.

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