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"Phayu woke up when his phone ring loudly and disturbed his sleep, rain whined and buried his face more into phayu's neck, phayu smile a little looking at his adorable little omega sleeping peacefully in his arms wrapping his body like a warm blanket, hickeys all over his body, phayu bring their face closer and kiss rain's lips. Rain move his lips along with phayu's in his sleep as it was the most normal thing. Again phayu's phone ring loudly spoiling his mood. He make rain sleep more comfortably pick up his phone and went to balcony as it was his assistant call".

"Rain sleep disturbed from the loud noise as if someone is shouting and he can clearly recognise its his alpha's voice, he roam his hand around the bed but only feel coldness. He open his eyes and saw phayu standing in the balcony talking with someone, not really talking but shouting at someone".

He wrap blanket around himself as he was only wearing his boxers. He wrap his hands around phayu's waist and buried his face in his back and listen to what phayu is saying.

Who the hell told you to keep the meeting today when i clearly instruct you i will not come. Rain soothingly rub his hands on phayu's chest leaving small kisses on his back to cool down his alpha and phayu did he took a deep breath. I will call you back, phayu hang up his phone as soon as he feel comfort in his omega's arms. Sometimes rains touch works like magic to rain. His mood suddenly changed from angry to happy.

"You woke up baby".

"Umm..why are you shouting phii asked rain innocently".

Phayu turn his body wrap his arms around rain.Phayu sit on the small couch in the balcony and make rain sit on his lap.

"Nothing baby its just....i am sorry...i have an urgent meeting and as promised we wont be able to spend our day together".

"Today was weekend and rain took off from his cafe to spend some time with phayu alone lazily".

"I am totally fine with that dont have to worry said rain moving more closer to phayu seeking warmth of his alpha".

I will try to finish as soon as possible so that we can enjoy whatever time is left.

Rain peck his lips, ok you should hurry up let me get your clothes ready said rain and run to their room.

Phayu was in so hurry that he did not even have his breakfast and left for the company asking big to keep an eye on rain.


Phayu left for the company. Rain finishes some of his uni work and decided to make lunch for phayu and bring it to his company to surprise him, he never went there and he want to know where his alpha works.

Rain message vegas about the location and told him to keep it a secret. Vegas happily send the location to rain and ask big to accompany rain and drop him.

"When i reach there it was a very big building i was awestruck looking at it. I knew that p'phayu and his family  is rich but never thought that much, ofcourse they are the most influential family and also mafia"

Big went to park the car and asked me to went inside. I was hesitant at first but i went in. There was a receptionist a very beautiful lady.

"Miss i am here to meet p'phayu i said politely".

"Who phayu asked the lady,not even looking at me"

"Then i remember his second name maybe people know him by that"

"Umm venice.."

She look at me with side eye as if i commit some crime, do you have any appointment with him she asked me.

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