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Phayu blinked, his eyes adjusting to the blinding white light that surrounded him. At first, the brightness was overwhelming, and he squeezed his eyes shut, shielding them from it. Slowly, as his vision cleared, he opened his eyes again, blinking them a few times.

As he looked at the surroundings, Phayu realized that everything was bathed in a pristine white glow. The walls, the floor, even the air itself seemed to shimmer with an ethereal luminescence. It was as though he had stepped into a realm of pure light, a place untouched by the darkness of the world he had left behind.

As Phayu turned around, his heart skipped a beat when he saw his beloved Rain. "HIS RAIN!! HIS MATE!! HIS FIANCE!! HIS LOVE!! HIS EVERYTHING!! "

Tears welled up in his eyes as he beheld the sight of his Omega,his knees getting weak as he finally reuniting with him in this otherworldly realm. Rain was gently rubbing his tummy with his hands, his eyes filled with love and tenderness as he looked down at his small baby bump, speaking softly to their unborn child.

Phayu's breath caught in his throat as he called out Rain's name, "RAIN" his voice filled with emotion. Slowly, he began to move toward his Omega, his steps tentative yet filled with longing.Rain looked up, his eyes meeting Phayu's, and a bright smile appeared on his lips at the sight of his Alpha approaching.

Phayu's eyes never leave rain's face, Finally he can be with his rain and no one can take him away from phayu, he took rain in his embrace as soon as he reach to him minding the baby bump.

"MY RAIN!!!" Phayu cried out when he held rain in his arms, tears running down his face, as he buried his head against rain's shoulder, his voice choked as he asked for forgiveness.

"I am sorry baby, I couldn't protect you, couldn't protect our pup, I am sorry baby, it's all my fault I left you alone in that room, please forgive your p'phayu!! Please baby!!"

"Look now I am here with you!! I can't live there without you, now no one can separate us, You're my everything, Rain. My soulmate, my love. I promise to never leave your side again."!!" Phayu continued.

As Phayu spoke to Rain, a sense of unease began to gnaw at him. Something wasn't right. Rain remained silent, his body steady without any moment.

Phayu loosened his embrace slightly, searching Rain's face for any sign of recognition or response. But there was nothing, his expression devoid of emotion, his eyes vacant and lifeless, he was looking at phayu with no emotion, there was no love, no warmth in it.

Rain gets out of phayu's arm although phayu was reluctant to let rain go, but rain got out of phayu's hold, stepping back slowly.

"What's wrong, baby?" Phayu's voice trembled with fear and desperation as he reached out for Rain, trying to hold him back. But Rain continued stepping back, his gaze fixed on phayu's face but without any emotions.

"Rain, please, Don't go. Stay with me. Tell me what's wrong, baby I came here for you, where are you going love."Phayu pleaded, his heart pounding in his chest.

But Rain remained silent, his steps steady as he moved further away from Phayu. Panic gripped Phayu's heart as he struggled to keep up, his movements sluggish and futile against the inexorable pull of darkness, he was feeling like someone was again pulling him toward darkness.

Tears streamed down Phayu's cheeks as he called out to Rain, his voice cracking with despair. "Rain, baby, please! Come back to me! Don't leave me alone!" the more he tried to get close the more rain was going far.

Tears were continuously rolling from his eyes, he was sobbing very badly taking rains name to stop.

"Rain baby please!! Stop baby!! Where are you going love!! Come back to your phii, don't leave me again rain!!"

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