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Flashback one week ago:

Payu's pov

"I am on my way back home dad,  i said to dad on call"

"Yes i have completed the transaction" i will tell you the details when i am back.

"Uff today was a hectic day i think i should grab a coffee to fresh my mind"

I saw a cafe and decide to grab coffee from here, i have never come here before, as i entered there i went to the counter to order my coffee,
I smell a flowery with a hint of strawberry scent, it catch my attention as soon as i smell it, it was so attracting. I look here and there then i looked at the most beautiful creature i have ever seen in my life, it was an omega, his scent was making me crazy and it was so soothing, i have smelled many scent of different omega's and beta's but this was so different from all of them.

I was looking at him continuously, he looked at me and said something but i was just staring at his face, his big doe eyes, black hairs. My inner alpha was in rejoice. He again said something and i try to hear this time

"What would you like to have sir?" I heard his voice.

'His voice was the sweetest that i have ever heard like a music to my ears so soft just like him' i control my emotion and said
"One espresso please".

"Ok sir just wait for sometime" he again said. 

I looked at his badge "RAIN" so  his name is rain  his name is just beautiful as him, i tried to control my emotion i dont want to scare him of my actions, then i sit on a chair close enough so that i can look at him. I was looking at him intently.
After few minutes i can see he is coming at me,

"Here is your coffee sir" rain said in a very sweet voice. Then went to his work. I was not able to take my eyes off from him and i was thinking of idea how can i talk to him,  i think he notice that i am looking at him, i decided to leave from here as i dont want him to think bad about me as if i am some creepy guy.
I went out of the cafe but decided not to leave as i want to see him more so i decided to just wait, i open my car and sat inside the car..

My phone ring and it was dad calling me
"Where are you venice? Why are you not home yet"" dad asked me.

'I have some work dad i will be little late, i will tell you the details tomorrow'.

Then i cut the call and waited for rain to come out.
After what feels like ages he came out, he was looking here and there , then he sit in a car and i can see a guy is on the driving seat then they drove off.

"I feel a ping in my heart, i feel annoyed and jealous, who is he? Is he his mate?
" i shrugged my thoughts and started driving toward my home.

Its been few days since i am following rain, sometimes i feel like a stalker, i always see him with the same guy but after a little bit of investigation from college as rain study in the same college from i have studied and it has major share of our family, i found out that he is rain's best friend and an omega. When i got to know this i feel relieve but still i have not the courage to confront him or talk to him, i went to his cafe daily and whenever he is close to me and when i look at his beautiful face, his pouty and plumy lips, i want to claim them then and there but i know this is not right time.

Today finally i decided to talk to him i gather all my courage and went to his cafe, he was looking etheral as ever, i always get lost in his beauty, how can someone be so perfect, he look so cute and small perfect for me to embrace.
I order my usual coffee went to one of the seat.
"Here is your order sir" rain said.

I gather all my courage and said


"Huhh" he looked at me in confusion.

"My name is payu i said and smiled at him, he was looking at me but didn't said anything so i try to carry the conversation

"Your name is rain" i said to him.

"How you know" he asked me shock clearly visible  on his face .

"On your badge" i pointed toward his batch.

"Ohh" he said in understading

"You can call me p'payu i said to him"

"He said ok and flash me a smile, his bunny smile" he looks more beautiful when he smile.

Then he went back to work. I was having my coffee peacefully and doing some work when i heard rains voice

"What are you doing leave my hand"
I look toward rain and found some shitty guy was grabbing my omega's hand. My expression turn stern looking at him, i was ready to break his hand, i can smell rains distressed pheromones and fear. My inner alpha was getting out of control ready to attack at any moment but i dont want to scare rain, i control myself and went there i hold that guys hand firmly.

"Who the hell are you" the guy said.

"You dont need to know who i am and stay away from him if you dont want to die" i said with my most dominating voice.

"He looked at me then at rain and left the cafe"

I look at rain my expressions soften as soon as i saw his face

"Are you ok rain" i asked him.

"Yes i am fine phi, thanku for helping me" rain said in his sweet voice.

I look at his hand and hold it, i gently stroke his hand and the moment i touch him i unknowingly release my pheromones, i leave his hand as i don't want to loose my control, i patted his head, i smiled looking at him and decided to leave before i do anything else.
Still i was so angry i went toward my car and i got a call for some business i decided to leave and come again later.
I came back but rain was still in the cafe its late than his usual time and i cant even see his friend's car. I decided to wait for sometime, i got a call from pai my cousin and he started discussing something about some business and it took some time, by the time i cut the call and look for rain i could not see him i came out of my car to look for him i saw one of his coworker and asked him about rain he said that he went home, but i didn't see his friend coming so i decided to go on the way for his home it was quite late and i was worried for him, i dont know but something was not feeling right and i had an urge to see him i increase the speed of my car.

After some distance i spot rain and what i saw makes my blood boil in anger and i was ready to kill anyone at that moment without thinking twice .

I saw the same guy from earlier, he was grabbing rains neck and dragging him somewhere, i came out of my car in hurry even my inner alpha was so angry and ready to take over me at any moment and rip that guys head. I went toward him.

I grabbed his collar and punched him hard on his face.

"How dare you touch him, keep your filthy hands of my omega"


Its a long chapter and some can find it boring but i wanted to show payu's pov  before moving ahead in the story 😊
I hope you like it!!!

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