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They took him away from phayu, they did not let him inside that hospital room, he tried to be with his rain but they said he have to stay outside. Phayu was not aware what was happening behind the closed door, he was so afraid that what if again something happened to his rain, when phayu is not around. So many what ifs were going through his mind.

Phayu sank on his knees on the cold hospital floor, his trembling hand held before him, they were stained crimson red, the blood of his rain smearing across his skin, painting his hands red.

Tears flowed freely down his cheeks, mixing with the droplets of rain's blood as they fell to his hand.

He stared at his hands, his mind unable to process the reality of what had just happened, moments ago his rain was in his arms safe and sound enjoying his meal that he made with these same hands that are now covered with rain's blood. The image of Rain's pale face and the blood seeping through his pants that was formed everywhere around rain's fragile body. How he was screaming in pain holding his tummy, crying to protect their pup. That scene was haunting  him, and he couldn't shake the feeling of helplessness that washed over him like a tidal wave.

Each drop of blood on his hands felt like a dagger to his heart, a painful reminder of his own failure to protect his omega, his rain and his pup that was in his rain's tummy. Phayu's chest felt heavy with pain, his breaths coming in ragged gasps as he struggled to keep his breath steady but failing miserably.

He wanted to scream, to lash out at the cruel fate that had torn Rain away from him. But all he could do was kneel there, broken and defeated, his tears kept mixing with the blood of his omega.

In that moment, Phayu was feeling utterly alone, the pain in his heart was crushing him down. He longed to hold Rain in his arms, to whisper words of comfort and love into his ear just like how his rain like, but the reality of the situation left him alone and paralyzed on the cold floor of the hospital.

All he could do was pray for Rain's wellbeing , his heartwrenching sobs echoing through the empty hospital corridor as he kept those bloody hands close to his chest, praying for his omega and his pups safety.

Aaron's own tears falling as he reached out to Phayu after making some calls to the family as he knows phayu is not in the condition, his voice heavy as he spoke. "Phayu, please, you have to try to calm down. Rain needs you to be strong right now. He'll be okay, and the baby too."

But Phayu was inconsolable, his cries only intensified, Aaron has never seen phayu this broken, he did not have any idea phayu can be this weak when it comes to rain.

Phayu couldn't shake the image of Rain's pale face, the blood staining his pants imprinted into his memory. The thought of their unborn child only added to his pain.

"He's my everything, Aaron, I can't lose him. I can't lose our baby, I will die if something happened to my rain, I would not be able to bear that pain."  Phayu cried out.

"Please tell them to let me in Aaron, I will never steal rain from you... You can.. Take him anytime for dinner... I need my rain back please Aaron, I want to go in and... And hold his hand when he search for me... What if he got afraid looking at so many unknown people... What if he... He had a panic attack and... I was not there with him.... What if...."

"Relax phayu relax, nothing like this gonna happen, take deep breath phayu"
Aaron's heart broke for phayu, he pulled him into a tight embrace, offering what little comfort he could.

"We have to believe that rain will be ok, the baby will be ok, they'll be okay. We have to hold onto hope." He whispered his own tears not stopping from falling.

Soon pete and Vegas comes to hospital followed by phai, sky, Kim and chay.

By looking at sky, pete and chay's face anyone could tell they were crying continuosly.

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