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"So you are rain's brother that i was not able to find. Now I know why I did not find any information when I dig about you because you were backed up by theerapanyakul. My own family was hiding your identity" Phayu confessed looking at aaron.

Kim and Vegas were well aware of Phayu's persistent investigation into Aaron. Each time he came close, they either manipulate the information or hid it, judging it wasn't the right time.

"Okay, let's start from our side," Kim suggested, taking the lead.

"You better have a good explanation," Chay warned kim.

"I'll explain, Bambi," Kim took a deep breath, aware that Chay's anger could lead to dark consequences. He signaled Vegas to start the conversation.

And so it began before your birth, Venice.

Phayu and Rain listened intently, not wanting to miss a single detail.

"When we first encountered Rain on the road, we were on our way to a location after learning about those who had deceived us in some dealings and even taken the lives of our bodyguards. Rain witnessed it, and he was pursued by some beta men who believed he was one of our men. When we found him, he was all injured. We rushed him to the hospital, and as usual we investigated his background, we dig into the background of everyone who crossed our path. Rain was no exception, but somehow, we sensed he has no ulterior motives. The purpose of our investigation into Rain was to find his family, and it was very difficult to find information about rain, we only find that his uncle is his legal guardian and his parents died in an accident but we still could not find his parents name,but we kept an eye on him from that day onwards, our gaurd shadowing him constantly,as it's not common that we don't find someone's information. Which made us even more curious.

"Then we find something unusual, someone else was also following him" Vegas finished, glancing at phayu.

Phayu's face turned crimson upon hearing that.

"Who?" Pete asked.

"Your son" Vegas answered, smirking at phayu.

Can we please continue? Phayu snapped in irritation.

Yeah sure.

Vegas continued, "So, someone else was following him, and that was our Venice. Not surprising, given Rain's charm."

Rain blushed holding phayu's hand tightly.

"And one night, that unfortunate accident happened," Vegas revealed, the tone changing noticeably.

Everyone can see how Vegas tone changes while saying that.

Unfortunately, our guard wasn't there at the moment; otherwise, it wouldn't have happened to Rain," Kim added.

"But that worked in our favour" Vegas said.

"In what sense?" Phayu asked, frustrated. "Rain was traumatized after that whole incident,his panic attack, how afraid he was" Phayu said in a very irritated tone, he  can feel rain's body becoming stiff, he immediately side hug him and sniff kiss on his head.

"Not in that sense, Venice. Listen to us. We didn't want harm to come to Rain, but this incident connected missing pieces," Kim explained.

"What do you mean?" Phayu question Kim.

"While our guard wasn't there, Yoon was harassing Rain. Before he could help, you arrived.

"So how is that related to all this". Phayu questioned.

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