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A warm smile spread across Phayu's face, witnessing Rain's kindness. "Phi, we can't just leave it hungry. Can we take him inside, please? I want to keep him," Rain pleaded, showing his shiny eyes.

Phayu was initially not sure, but as he looked into Rain's pleading eyes, his heart softened. He hesitated for a moment, thinking about the complications of bringing the dog inside.

But Rain insisted, he was determined. "Please, Phi. I promise to take care of him. He needs us," Rain implored, his voice filled with sincerity.

"I can understand how it feels not to have a home and family" Rain's voice breaks a little and Phayu can feel the change in his voice and the way Rain was looking at the puppy.

Touched by Rain's kindness and determination to help the injured dog, Phayu couldn't resist his omega's heartfelt plea.

"Okay, my love. Let's bring him inside and make sure he gets the care he needs, and the family as well" Phayu agreed, his heart swelling with how Rain is so Softhearted and sensitive toward everyone.

Rain's eyes sparkled with happiness as he gently cradled the dog in his arms, careful not to cause further discomfort.

The dog, sensing the positive vibes emanating from Rain, nuzzled against him, finding peace in his embrace.

Phayu chuckled looking at the puppy, how he gets so comfortable in Rain's arms "look at him baby, how he is looking so comfortable and nuzzling against you, he already accepted you as the owner"

"We'll take care of you, little one. You're safe now," Rain whispered, stroking the dog's fur soothingly.

Phayu watched with pride as Rain's nurturing instincts took over, his love for all living creatures shining brightly. "You have such a big heart, my sweet omega," Phayu murmured, wrapping an arm around Rain's waist, he kissed Rain's forehead.

"Come, let's go"

As Phayu and Rain entered the mansion, they were chatting a little, everyone was already there in the living room waiting for Rain to come back. However, when they saw Rain cradling the injured dog in his arms, they were quite surprised.

First was Aroon to stand up and go to Rain, as Phayu took his baby brother away from him for so long "Rain, what's this?" Aaron asked, his eyes widening in  surprise at the unexpected guest.

Rain's smile was so bright as he explained, " Look P'aaron, how cute is he. Isn't he?? I found this poor little dog outside. He's injured and hungry, so I decided to bring him in and take care of him."

"Oh my goodness, he's adorable!" Pete said, his heart melting at the sight of the dog nestled in Rain's arms.

"Ohh, he is so cute, now I have another person to watch drama" Khun excitedly said, trying to take the dog.

"Uncle, he is injured first let's get him  treat then you can play with him, and he can't watch drama with you" Phayu said so that Khun's excitement didn't hurt the dog more.

"Oww, ok, but when he will get fine then we will watch drama together ok little one" Khun said, everyone shook their heads listening to Khun.

"Well, it looks like we have a new addition to the family," Vegas said smiling and looking at Rain.

Saifah couldn't contain his excitement as he approached Rain and the dog. "Can I pet him, Rain? He's so cute!" he exclaimed, his face lighting up with joy.

Rain nodded, his smile widening as Saifah gently stroked the dog's fur.

Meanwhile, Phayu dialed a local veterinarian to schedule a check-up for the dog.

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