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Cash stepped out of the shower, a towel wrapped around his waist, he heard a knock at the door. That's probably Nix, he said he wanted to come over today, but it's only 8:30 p.m. It's the earliest he's ever coming over, usually, he'll come over at 3 a.m. So, they could both sleep so this is new, maybe Nix is feeling off today, Cash can notice behind those grins and soft smiles, that Nix looks depressed, he looks lost, and just kind of empty. Cash notices Nix works a lot, is always busy and is always at work, and he refuses to let Cash come over to his place. He said because he has roommates. Maybe it's more than that, but they only know each other for two weeks, it's too soon to be asking personal questions yet.

Cash opens his front door, and he raises brows seeing Nix holding many bags, a mop, and a bucket as well. "What's this?"

"I'm cleaning your shitty apartment," Nix says walking inside, he sits the bags down. "I also brought things to cook dinner."

Cash snorts. "Man of your word huh?" Cash says remembering Nix going on and on about wanting to clean up Cash's apartment and cook him actual food.

"Yeah, how about you go and put clothes on and I'll start cleaning," Nix says.

Cash crosses his arms over his bare chest."You're a very demanding person."

"I haven't even started being demanding yet," Nix says opening a new garbage bag, Nix starts to pick up the empty beer cans, and he glances up at Cash. "I said go get dressed," Cash sighed and walked away, heading into his room.

Cash was leaning back on his couch, he had the TV playing a random show, he looked down at his old coffee table, it was shining... He doesn't think he sees his table so clean; he looks down at his wooden floor, also shining. He could see his reflection, all of the empty beer and soda cans gone, everything was so clean and organized, he looked over into the kitchen, seeing how clean the floor in there look, his counters were empty of piles of cups and dirty dishes, the dishwasher machine was loud, he didn't even know it worked. He could also hear the washer and dryer in the closet down the hall.

It was weird, not having a clean place, it's been clean once every few months or so. Well, not this cleaned. Everything smelled like lemons and lavender, and he could smell food from where he was sitting his eyes landed on Nix who was standing in front of the stove cooking, Cash was surprised the man wasn't exhausted from cleaning for 3 hours, it was hitting 11:30 pm and Nix was still full of energy.

It was weird having someone cook and clean for him, he offered to help but Nix would demand him to sit and watch TV and not touch a thing. He felt like a child being scolded by his angry mom. Nix seemed like such a sweet little boy the first two weeks they knew each other, but now he's been demanding and a bit controlling. Cash didn't mind, he didn't hate it. It was nice seeing two sides of Nix. His sweet and demanding personality was nice.

Good to know his soulmate actually has a spine. "Hey, am I allowed off the couch yet?" Cash asked in a teasing tone.

Nix turned his head glancing at Cash. Oh, he forgot he told Cash he was forbidden to leave the couch, when was that? 2 hours ago? Well, isn't he just obedient? "I suppose you can," Nix says. "You've been behaving."

Cash chuckles as he stands up, he walks into the kitchen. "Yeah, I've been a good boy." Cash walks over to Nix. "Whatcha cooking?"

"Strip steak with lemon mashed potatoes," Nix answered. "I wanted to cook more, but I didn't have the money," Nix says.

Cash looks down at the plates Nix has set. "Looks good." Cash glances up at Nix, watching how focused he looks setting the plate, making it look pretty, Cash sees no point in making the plate look pretty, so why not just slap the food on there? He's going to be eaten anyway. But it was cute how focused he was. His little serious facial expression, the way the tip of his tongue sticks out was adorable.

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