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Cash stepped along the wet sidewalk in the dark underground city, the city lights were dip, loud and shitty music blasting loudly. Cash had his hands in his pocket, there were a lot of people here tonight, and he had to push and shove his way past a few markets. He felt a little tug on his jacket, he turned seeing Nix gripping onto his jacket as he was pushed as they walked. Cash was getting bored since there weren't any missions from Dallas and Clyde, so he called Sebastian to see if there were any fights available. He has plenty of money saved back for a few months, but he wanted more.

Last night Cash and Nix were lying in bed together, they started doing that lately, they'll sleep in the same bed whenever Nix stays the night which is every 3 days when Nix doesn't work overtime. Nix told Cash about how he rarely ever goes out to places or goes on vacations. Nix barely goes to experience new places. Nix has never been to an actual restaurant. Cash isn't a high-class guy who enjoys spending money, but he does go on vacations because he hates being here. He hates his city, the underground, he wants to get away from the monster's infectious city and go somewhere where it's fewer monsters and fewer duties for a few days.

Cash doesn't think it'll be a big deal to take Nix on vacations or take him out to see and experience things he hasn't done yet; everyone should experience new things. Cash is more of a staying home and sleeping but it bothers him a little that Nix has an interest in going out and exploring but rather work instead.

Tonight, Nix wanted to stay the night since it's been a few days, so he decided to take him underground. Nix says he's been in the front part of the underground to buy Marijuana with a friend, but he's never been further into the city. Nix is a bit nervous; he seems to get anxious about coming here which makes sense. It's a dangerous place. Anything and everything go down here.

Cash has been doing odd jobs for the underground ever since he was 15, so it's normal, and feels more comfortable being in this chaotic and dangerous place than on the above grounds. Maybe if Cash brings Nix around here more, he will feel more comfortable and wouldn't cling to him.

Clinging to him... He doesn't mind, Cash didn't realize it, but Nix is very clingy, especially at night. Nix stayed the night last night and they've been sleeping in the same bed together in the last two weeks ago, it's not bad, Cash doesn't mind it, but it feels weird in the mornings since Nix is clinging to him like a damn koala. With his legs and arms around him, it takes a while for Cash to unwrap the boy from his body without waking him up.

Nix is a cuddler, Cash isn't a huge fan, but it's not bad at night since they're both asleep, it's cozy but he won't admit that to anyone out loud.

"Bro, how do so many people fit under here?" Nix asked as he walked alongside Cash, still clinging to his jacket, he was nervous, there were so many people there. Nix hated crowded places.

"Not sure, not really something I care about." Cash says pulling Nix along.

"Are we close? I feel like we've been walking a while." Nix says he's always complaining about something. Cash chuckles. He thinks it's cute.

"Yeah, it's the last building." Cash says. "Listen, when we get here, don't make eye contact with anyone, don't talk to anyone unless I say it's fine."

"I need your permission to talk?" Nix asked.

"To talk to decent people I know yeah, everyone else is shady ass fucks. Trust me alright?" Cash says they made it to the end of the underground, this was probably the tallest building down here and it had so many lights and glowing signs.

"Woah, wait this looks like a strip club?" Nix asked staring at the building. Cash pulled him inside.

"It's a strip club and bar in the front, in the far back is a BDSM club, the top floor is the casino, and then the floor above is the fight club." Cash explains. Nix looks around seeing half half-naked men and women, there is loud music blasting but not loud enough to drown out Cash's voice as he speaks. "It's all run by the same shady ass guy."

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