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Nix sighed as he leaned against the balcony looking out onto the ocean, he had to wrap his hand today, it had been hurting since last night. Cash definitely punched something, probably the wall. His fist is probably fucked up too. Nix frowns at the memories of last night. He feels embarrassed and stupid for giving in to it so easily.  Cash never came back to the hotel, he's been gone all night, and it's 9 am, and they had a plan to leave around noon to head back. Now he's not sure, he should probably go and look for Cash.

He's not sure where the man went. Cash was familiar with this place, but Nix wasn't so he was not sure about the first place to look for a tall angry asshole of a man went.

Was Cash the asshole? Or was Nix in the wrong for confessing? He's known Cash for 4 months almost 5... They're soulmates wasn't this bound to happen.

Nix slid on his shoes as he walked out, he might get lost, Nix isn't the best at directions... Maybe he should just stay at the hotel may be Cash will come back—

Nix was caught off by his thoughts running into something huge and hard. He pulled away and looked up seeing a very tall and muscular man standing in front of him with a very dangerous-looking expression on his face, Nix noticed the scar on the man's eyebrow and on his neck and all of the tattoos that covered this man's body. Oh, he looks dangerous.

Nix gulped, he felt tiny and useless compared to this man. "Uh sorry I didn't see you there."

"It's fine." The man says, his voice matches the body for sure. It gave Nix's chills. "You good? Your nose." He said, his giant hand coming toward Nix, tilting up his chin up.

"My nose?" Nix asked confused and then he felt something wet pouring from his nose. On a nosebleed? "Oh, wow is your chest made of steel?"

The man chuckled. It was deep and honestly terrifying. "Sorry about that, I shouldn't be standing around."

"Ed, did you figure out what you wanted to eat?" A higher pitch says as they come around the corner. Nix immediately remembered the bright pink hair. Clyde! Oh, thank God, someone saved him from this scary man. Clyde seems to recognize Nix. He grins. "Oh! Phoenix!" He says clapping his hands happily as he steps closer.

The man pulled his hands away from Nix. "Hi," Nix says wiping the blood from his nose. "What are you doing here?"

"We have a vacation home here," Clyde says, he nudges the giant man with his hips. "Ed, this is Phoenix, Cash's soulmate."

Ed nods. "He's a little too cute for Cash."

"Isn't he?" Clyde chuckles as he wraps his arms around Nix's shoulder. "Where's Cash? I'm assuming he brought you here."

Nix frowns. "Uh... I'm not sure—"

"Don't hang on him." Cash says as he approaches the Three of them with an annoyed expression.

"Cash! Why didn't you tell me you were here on a romantic vacation!" Clyde says with a smile.

Cash glared. "It's not romantic... Why are you two here?"

Nix couldn't help but frown, but he quickly replaced it to have a more natural look. Not wanting his heartbreak to be obvious. Clyde stares at Nix in the corner of his eye. He looked at Cash. "We wanted to come here and relax. We've been busy lately." Clyde removes his arms from Nix. "We're about to head out for breakfast want to join us?"



Cash and Nix locked eyes with each other, Cash looked annoyed and clearly didn't want to be around them, but Nix honestly didn't want to be alone with Cash right now.

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