Chapter 2: A Celebration to Remember

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 Last time: Elizabeth awoke screaming from a nightmare where she relived the events of her abandonment by her family due to being a squib only to be calmed by her adopted sister Annabeth. The following morning after breakfast Elizabeth had a short discussion with her father about her issues where she begged him not to abandon her only to received the love she needed in that moment. With her discussion with her father finished she went to get dressed and prepare for Annabeth's tenth birthday party.

***TRIGGER WARNINGS*** Panic attack, blood.

Thanks to Whitney's high degree of skill; Elizabeth was able to get ready for the party with enough time to spare. Her make up combined with her auburn hair being in a dignified bun and hanging bang hairstyle helped to accentuate her natural beauty while hiding the scar she was ashamed of without appearing overdone. Her dark blue dress, while regal, was kept somewhat modest so as to not pull too much attention away from the birthday girl. For accessories she wore emerald earrings to match Annie's eyes, a silver pendant whose twin was being worn around the younger Wilson's neck, and long white gloves that covered up to her elbows as was the style.

"You've outdone yourself once again Whitney. It looks perfect." Elizabeth grinned as she turned away from the mirror and hugged the maid. "Thank you. I don't know how I would keep up with all this if it weren't for you." She giggled as the brunette smiled back at her.

"Of course Young Miss. It is a pleasure to serve you. Besides; how could I not do well when I have such a beautiful canvas to work with." Whitney returned with a pleasant chuckle. She had been serving the Wilson family for six years now and had grown quite attached to the young lady she was assigned to. "Now then, I think it is about time you headed downstairs. The little miss will need to greet the guests as they arrive and you know how nervous she can get. She would appreciate your presence I am sure." The maid smiled as she began to shoo Elizabeth out of the room.

"Alright, alright. I'll get going then." Elizabeth giggled as she was rushed out of the room and into the well decorated hall. As she let the celebratory mood permeating the home push back her earlier discomfort; the elder daughter made her way downstairs and into the foyer where she discovered Annabeth. The freshly ten years old girl busily checked the table of welcoming gifts for their guests while her sister approached her. "You look so cute today Annie. Are you excited for everyone to arrive?" Elizabeth asked with a wide grin as she admired the other girl's gorgeous green dress and shimmering golden blonde hair running past her shoulders in gentle waves.

At the sound of the elder girl's voice, Annabeth immediately turned around to face her with the brightest smile. "Lizzy! You're finally down here!" She shouted as she launched herself at Elizabeth. The elder sister barely caught her in time as they hugged each other tightly.

"I'll take that as a yes on the excited front." Lizzy giggled happily before releasing the blonde. "I'm glad you don't seem too nervous. Be careful though. We wouldn't want Mother to become cross with us for messing up our attire. She has been planning this for months after all." As if summoned into existence by Elizabeth's words; the Wilson family matriarch entered the room with an expression of mock sternness. It however, did not take long for the frown to break into a huge grin.

"You're right Elizabeth. I have been planning this for months just to make sure everything is perfect." The redheaded woman in her early thirties teased playfully. Even at a glance the faint smile lines of her kind face highlighted her sparkling sapphire blue eyes. Turning her attention to the younger girl she bent down to give her a warm hug. "And it will be perfect as long as our little Annabeth enjoys herself." Evelyn finished as she let go of the girl and righted herself.

Just then a knock came from the door signaling the beginning of the party. The butler soon went to let the guest in as Annabeth took her position beside the gift table with Elizabeth right by her side. From there things began to move quickly as guests would introduce themselves to Annie and would hand off the gifts they had brought for the birthday girl to a nearby maid. In turn Elizabeth would hand over a silver owl brooch with small emeralds inlaid in the eyes for each parent as well as an ornate hand fan for the daughters who came with them to Annie. The ten year old then thanked the couple and children for their gift and their attendance before handing over the items her sister handed her.

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