Chapter 5: Dueling with Temptation

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Last time: After a heartfelt goodbye with her family; Elizabeth made her way to Hogwarts in a most unexpected way. After escaping Gringotts she arrived at school and was sorted into Ravenclaw. That night she met her new roommates Samantha Dale and Constance Dagworth before attending charms class the next day. There she met Natsai Onai and the two quickly became friends as the bonded over the lesson and regaled each other with tales of their pasts after Elizabeth beat Natty in a game of Summoner's Court. After Charms the girls rushed to Defense Against the Dark Arts only to find sounds of a battle coming from inside.


Natsai and Elizabeth entered the defense against the dark arts classroom to find two students slinging spells at each other as they blocked with protego. The boy furthest from the pair of girls had slicked red hair and wore Gryffindor robes. The other boy belonged to Slytherin; his messy brown hair gave him a roguish look about him as he launched a stupefy at his opponent.

"Is this usually how classes begin?" Elizabeth asked her new friend with a playful grin; her eyes trained on the Slytherin boy as she spoke. "And who are those two boys?" her fascination apparent in her voice and the way she looked at the duel.

Natty for her part had been watching the duel at first; yet stopped when she heard Elizabeth speak up in order to look at her friend. The way the other girl kept her eyes focused on a particular duelist made the Gryffindor girl grin. "Not every class." She answered the first question then the second. "As for who... the one from Gryffindor is Leander Prewett; though I believe the one you are really interested in is Sebastian Sallow." Natty managed with a barely suppressed chuckle.

"Sebastian... how nice to know..." The Ravenclaw girl mused quietly aloud. Once she realized the words had escaped her mouth however; her hand immediately shot up to cover her lips as she blushed. "Uh, I mean they both seem to have a fair grasp on the art of dueling don't you think?" Elizabeth attempted to cover her slip up by diverting attention to the both of them rather than the one she had clearly been eyeing. Her new friend however apparently wouldn't let her off the hook so easily.

The gryffindor chuckled and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Yes, though Leander is a bit sloppier with his spellcasting compared to the boy you have your eye on." Natty winked at Elizabeth before the girls' attention was brought back to the duel by a shout from Sebastian.

"Bombarda!" Sallow called out, launching the powerful spell towards Leander while eliciting a gasp from the crowded students as the spell hit the dragon skull above the boy instead. Elizabeth's eyes widened in horror as she expected the student to be crushed.

All of a sudden a woman's voice had rung out a cry of "Levioso!" As an older woman appeared on the stairs, Professor Hecat judging by the call of another nearby student, the levitation charm spewing from her wand tip to catch the skull. "Perhaps you'd be good enough to blast each other to pieces on your own time, I get new students every year but I only have one Hebridean Black skull." The elderly looking witch chided as she put the skull back into place.

Elizabeth had been frightened for Leander's safety; but seeing Professor Hecat's skill with her wand had pushed that fear from her mind entirely to be replaced with awe. She listened with rapt attention as the witch described how she had acquired the skull from a poacher ring. The comment about knowledge being the key to her victory made the young witch beam as she agreed that knowledge was one of the most important things a person could have.

When Leander talked back to the older woman only to be immediately caught off guard with the charm he had just derided, Elizabeth was unable to stop the giggle that escaped her lips. "Ah, if it isn't the new Fifth Year." Dinah Hecat called out with a knowing smirk as she turned to Elizabeth at the girl's outburst. With a wave of her wand the professor conjured a training dummy. "Perhaps you would like to demonstrate the levitation charm for us?" She smiled expectantly. "Let me te-" Hecat began, only to be cut off as Elizabeth had already stepped forward.

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