Chapter 35: Farewell for Now

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Last Time: Clara discovered Elizabeth and Poppy making out in the garden at the ball and took a picture of them. After her demeaning the two young witches, Elizabeth nearly fully succumbed to inner darkness and killed the young muggle. However at the last moment she remembered how she could deal with the situation mostly the muggle way. After conjuring a photo of Clara in a compromising position from her memory. Using it she blackmailed the girl to get her hands on the film from Clara's camera. To ensure the girl could not speak of the evening's events she used the confundus charm on the young woman. After returning to the ball Elizabeth and Poppy gained permission from Abigail, who was in the powder room with Evelyn, to dance the rest of the ball together. They had a wonderful time before returning home exhausted at eight the next morning after spending nearly 12 hours at the ball.


The next few days passed rather uneventfully as the young couple spent their vacation happily with the Wilsons. As the time grew closer for them to return to school, Annabeth began to cling more and more to Lizzy. The ravenclaw was happy to spend more time with her but could tell that her little sister was growing more and more anxious the closer the time for them to part once more came. On Sunday the twenty eighth Elizabeth sent a letter to Professor Fig to let him know they would be returning to Hogwarts the next evening. That evening though, Lizzy brought Annie into her room one last time so that the three girls could spend their last night at the estate together.

Elizabeth sat in her bed with her back against the headboard with one arm wrapped around Poppy in her lap while holding a bottle of butterbeer in the other hand. "I still cannot believe you have already eaten more than half of the sweets you opened on Christmas." The young witch giggled as she watched her sister open the last of her chocolate frogs. "I expected them to last a bit longer. I suppose I shall have to send you more soon." She teased the golden blonde.

Annabeth frowned playfully while trying to catch the chocolate attempting to escape from her grasp. "I wouldn't have eaten so many if they weren't so fun to play with." The ten year old giggled as she stroked the chocolate frog until it went still before consuming it. With the treat out of the way she grabbed the card from the package with glee in her eyes only to wrinkle her nose upon seeing who's card it was. "Barberus Bragge again!? This is the third one, and he sounds awful!" Annie complained as the two witches sitting together giggled.

"I agree. It's disgraceful that he gets a card. I mean really; the wizard introduced beautiful and fragile birds to a sporting event that drove them to near extinction!" Poppy huffed indignantly in her girlfriend's arms. "They sound like such beautiful creatures too. I can't wait to see some in person." The hufflepuff continued, now grinning despite her earlier outburst.

Lizzy bent down to kiss at the shorter girl's neck as she held her. "You shall see them soon Sweetie. It won't be long before we are able to locate the nest and make sure the Snidget eggs are protected." She promised in a soft and tender voice. The two of them had already agreed that they would go speak to Dorran some time after they returned so that they could continue their quest before the new term began.

Poppy closed her eyes as she tilted her neck to give Elizabeth room to apply more soft kisses. The soft groan that escaped the brunette's throat in addition to how she bit her lower lip spurred the auburn haired witch on to do just that. "I know; but I'm just so excited for it to happen. No witch or wizard has seen the Snidgets in hundreds of years and soon you and I will. It's like a dream come true to see and help safeguard such a rare magical beast." Her girlfriend said with a contented sigh while leaning her back more heavily into Elizabeth's soft chest.

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