Chapter 22: Rest and Confrontation

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Last Time. Elizabeth saved Poppy by using Protego Diabolica; yet since she was not fully ready to cast the complex spell it partially backfired upon her. As the girl began to burn from the inside out and cough up black blood; the duo made their way to school atop Highwing. When Elizabeth refused to go to Blainey and instead insisted on going to the astronomy tower Poppy Relented and took a then unconscious Elizabeth to where she wished. Having discovered the Room of Requirement thanks to Elizabeth's hints, Poppy went about the task of treating the girl as instructed after waking her in a tub of ice.

***Trigger Warnings*** patient care, toxicity


Early the next morning Elizabeth's eyes fluttered open as she winced in pain. The intense fire in her veins had settled down somewhat thanks to the treatment; yet the painful burning beneath her skin hadn't vanished entirely. The young witch thought back to the day before and how intense the pain had been. It had been nearly as bad as the effects of the cruciatus curse as she felt like she was burning to ash from the inside out. As much as she hated the thought; she was certain that if not for already having endured Crucio for hours on end in her past that she wouldn't have been able to remain cognizant in the slightest while under such pain. It had taken every ounce of mental strength she had to keep standing and tell Poppy what had needed to be done. The way the heat had affected her ability to think and process hadn't made it any easier either. But in the end her lovable little badger had managed to get her here regardless; just like she knew she would.

As she looked around her inky eyes fell upon the hufflepuff who was still sleeping soundly in her chair with her upper torso draped on the edge of the bed for support. An affectionate smile crossed Elizabeth's lips as she watched the girl steadily breathe in her sleep. She just looked so peaceful and cute that it made the ravenclaw want to pull her into her arms and cuddle with her for the rest of the morning. It was odd to her how strong that desire was; but she attributed it to the girl being her best friend and how grateful the ravenclaw was to her for all she had done the day before.

While Elizabeth was content to simply lay there and continue to watch her friend sleep; it appeared her body was not as a loud growl soon issued from her stomach. The sound sent a flush of embarrassment through her as she realized she hadn't eaten since breakfast the day prior. She forced herself to sit up; though the action was incredibly difficult as every exhausted muscle in her body ached and fought against her attempts at movement. In addition it made the heat in her veins flare enough to make her whimper in pain.

It was then that the hufflepuff woke up, likely having heard Elizabeth's soft sounds of distress judging by the worried look the other girl wore upon waking. "Lizzy, what's wrong?" The brunette immediately asked in a frantic tone that seemed to confirm Elizabeth's suspicions.

Elizabeth raised her hands without thinking and hissed in pain as the heat flared through her in response to the sudden movement. "I-I am fine. No need to worry." She forced out through gritted teeth as she tried to give her friend a reassuring smile.

The semi crazed look in Poppy's eyes retreated to be replaced with something warmer despite the frown the girl wore. "You don't look or sound fine..." The brunette stated in a small and sad voice as one of her hands reached up towards the ravenclaw's cheek only to stop just short of touching her as if the girl was afraid to hurt her with a simple touch. It frustrated Elizabeth that Poppy seemed afraid to touch her, so before the girl could pull her hand back, she leaned into her touch. The reserved yet happy smile that brought to Poppy's lips made a new and confusing heat course through her body that was wholly unrelated to the fire in her veins. "Well, I guess you do look a little better, and your skin isn't quite as hot as it was before." Poppy admitted.

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