Chapter 9: The Undercroft

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Last Time: Elizabeth visited Hogsmeade with Natty and Poppy. While Natty went to get potion supplies Poppy and Elizabeth went to Ollivander's so that Elizabeth could return the family heirloom she had recovered for him. While there they discovered a robed man discussing a letter the wandmaker had sent him about a certain wand he had sold a little over a week ago. Upon realized the robed man was her brother Emery Grey; Elizabeth had a panic attack and lashed out at the young man, forcing him away. After the unsettling encounter Elizabeth and Poppy grew closer as Poppy told Elizabeth she wouldn't press her on what had happened and would wait for her to be ready to reveal it. Elizabeth's owl, Persephone, dropped a letter off for her From Sebastian as the two girls met up with Natty at the Three Broomsticks.


The trio of girls ended up staying in Hogsmeade for the next couple of hours chatting and enjoying each other's company as Elizabeth enjoyed her butterbeer as best she could. Her head and heart were still a mess after the incident at Ollivander's; but the time spent with her friends helped somewhat to calm her frayed nerves. Poppy for her part hadn't brought up what had happened at all since they entered the Three Broomsticks; a fact that the Ravenclaw was incredibly thankful for. By the time they made their way back to the castle however; Elizabeth was ready for another distraction. She needed something to occupy her mind so she wouldn't be lost in her own thoughts.

"Thank you for inviting us to Hogsmeade Natty. It was fun." Elizabeth told the Gryffindor as they entered the entrance hall after walking back. As usual Natty stood to one side of Elizabeth as Poppy stood on the other, a reassuring arm looped through hers. "Professor Fig is supposed to return tomorrow; so I'll likely be busy catching up with him. Maybe we can all do something together on Sunday?" She suggested with her practiced smile firmly in place to keep up appearances.

Natsai laughed as she flashed the other two her big pearly grin. "I'm glad you had a fun time. It seemed as if something was bothering you when you two arrived at the Three Broomsticks; but I am glad to see that you both seem to be feeling better now." Elizabeth had forgone telling Natty about what happened before they had rejoined with her and Poppy had thankfully stayed silent as well. Despite Natty not being entirely happy about their silence, she had accepted it for the most part. "As for Sunday; I would be happy to hang out if you have the time. I have noticed you have a bit of a habit of disappearing on the weekends so far." The Gryffindor laughed as Poppy giggled softly as well beside Elizabeth.

"What can I say, there is so much to see around Hogwarts. I get lost in the pursuit of knowledge sometimes." Elizabeth returned with a giggle of her own as she told the half truth easily. "Anyway; I should get going. Sebastian wished to meet me this evening, so I should get going before it's too late. I wouldn't want to be caught out past curfew."

With their arms still linked it had been impossible for Elizabeth not to notice the way Poppy stiffened beside her slightly at the mention of her going to meet with Sebastian. "So late? We could have returned sooner if you needed to meet up with him. I'm sorry for keeping you so late when you had plans." The shorter girl apologized as she looked up to her friend with a complex expression Elizabeth couldn't quite place. Whatever it was; it made the Ravenclaw feel as if she had done something wrong somehow.

"What? No; Poppy it's alright really. Sebastian wanted me to meet him late anyway. It's fine; truly." Elizabeth had turned to face Poppy now as she raised her free hand, the girls had still yet to unlink their other arm, to caress the girl's cheek. "I enjoy your company and you didn't hold me any longer than I wished. I am truly happy you came with me today. It meant a lot having you there when..." Her eyes darted briefly to Natty before focusing back on Poppy. "Well you know. Regardless you have nothing to apologize for my silly little badger." She finally finished and leaned in to kiss her forehead like she would normally do after soothing Annie without thinking.

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