Chapter 19: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

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Last time: Elizabeth met Sebastian in the Undercroft the day before his birthday to speak with him and give him his present before he left with Ominis for Feldcroft. Things betwen the two grew a bit hot and heavy before Elizabeth stopped herself and told Sebastian she wasn't ready to go further yet. The boy was understanding about her limits, but grew agitated when she refused to join him in Feldcroft. After accusing her of ditching him for Poppy, he calmed down once she told him she was visiting family. Once the two parted Elizabeth went to Hogsmeade to prepare for her meeting with her brother. The two met in the abandoned shop to discuss things, only for Elizabeth to nearly use the Cruciatus curse on him when he brought up their mother. She stopped just short of using the curse after recounting the horror of the day she was abandoned and breaking down in tears. The two reconciled somewhat and Elizabeth discovered she has a little sister named Morrigan before departing under a disillusionment charm. Unbeknownst to Elizabeth; Emery had a few cryptic words before departing as well.

***Trigger Warnings*** Night terrors, crucio, lies


After leaving the abandoned shop in Hogsmeade; Elizabeth kept her disillusionment charm up as she mounted her silver arrow broom and made her way towards an old abandoned cottage she had found in her explorations earlier in the school year. With everything that was swimming in her mind after her talk with Emery she really wished she could go be with Sebastian or Poppy, or at the very least return to her safe space in the Room of Requirement. But with the lies she had told it would be too suspicious if she was seen at school or Feldcroft so soon. She could easily explain away her appearance in Hogsmeade before meeting with Emery since her shop visits had been early enough for her to still have gone home via the Floo Network. Being seen now however would give everything away.

Before long Elizabeth landed her broom in front of the empty cottage; only dropping her charm after she had entered just in case. "Well, it's better than sleeping out in the woods." Elizabeth mused to herself as she conjured a few pieces of furniture to make her stay more comfortable and lit the fireplace to heat the cozy home. With all of that done she partook in a light meal she had packed for herself earlier before laying down for bed early.

Her dreams that night were more vivid than they had been the past week as she was returned to the worst night of her life once again. Elizabeth was forced to relive the events of that night far too often; yet that at least usually left her knowing what to expect. The night terrors she experienced that night were unfortunately different. They began as usual back in the alley in the West End, but shifted after a while to encompass the events of the prior evening with Emery. In the dream however; Elizabeth didn't stop herself like she had in reality.

The voice inside her head manifested in the dream, placing its hands upon her shoulders as it whispered in her ear to let go, to show the world the depths of her pain by making others experience it as well. Her dream self sneered down at the Emery before her before screaming Crucio in rage. The effect was immediate as tendrils of red energies lashed out from her wand to enshroud the now screaming wizard in front of her. The rush she felt at the action was exhilarating and liberating. It was like when she went after her enemies with Sebastian; only sooo much better that it was intoxicating.

The dream continued like this for some time as Elizabeth was unable to wake as she continued to torture her brother for what seemed like hours until the young man was finally left as nothing but a writhing, sobbing mess. "I knew we could do it. It feels so right doesn't it? To finally embrace who we are." She heard a familiar giggle behind her as she turned to face the voice in her mind; now manifested before her dream self.

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