Chapter 8: In the Shadow of our Secrets

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Last time: Elizabeth brought the book she had found in the restricted section to Professor Fig with the hopes of continuing their search the the mystery surrounding her ancient magic only for the Professor to keep the book and tell her he had to visit the Ministry for some time. An irritated Elizabeth made her way towards Herbology class only to run into Poppy Sweeting. After speaking for the first time the two girl's quickly hit it off and agreed to hang out later that evening. After class Sebastian found Elizabeth before the girl could go and speak more to her new friend; walking her to their potions class himself hand in hand.

***Trigger Warnings*** Panic attack, past trauma


It had been nearly a week since Elizabeth had solved Jackdaw's puzzle last weekend after Mr. Ollivander had set her on the path to find out where a wand, which had been stolen from his shop years ago, and the missing pages for the book she had found in the restricted section had disappeared to. The puzzle in the owlery had been rather simple for her to solve to the point she had been surprised no one else had stumbled across and solved it prior. That very night she had gone into the forbidden forest, made her way through the spider filled tunnel, recovered the remains of Ollivander's wand and the missing pages, and found herself in a large ornate chamber with multiple empty portraits in it.

When Percival Rackham had appeared in his portrait the teen had believed that she would finally get more of the answers she sought. Unfortunately she had most frustratingly discovered that Rackham would not give her any useful information, not even revealing why he had called the room they were in the Map Chamber without the book from the restricted section in her possession. The very book that Professor Fig had insisted on taking with him on his trip to the ministry. A trip from which he had still yet to return from despite it already being the Friday following her discovery of the Map Chamber last Sunday.

Elizabeth very much liked Professor Fig and would always be eternally grateful to the elder wizard for bringing her back into the wizarding world; yet it irritated her that her pursuit of more knowledge about what was happening to her had been halted due to his keeping of the tome. Luckily she had been able to keep her mind mostly occupied with classes and spending time with her new friends. And just this morning she had finally received an owl stating that the professor would be returning to school tomorrow. She couldn't wait to tell him what she had discovered so that they could continue forward.

"That will be all for today. You may leave once your stations have been cleared." Professor Sharp's voice from the front of the classroom brought the distracted Ravenclaw out of her thoughts just in time for her to notice that the Endurus potion she had been brewing was on the verge of turning. Elizabeth quickly corrected her mistake and bottled the finished potion. As she was cleaning up her station she felt a hand on her shoulder and flinched as the images of the Ashwinders who had attacked Mrs. Treadwell the other day flashed in her mind's eye while her hand instinctively moved towards her wand.

"You looked a bit distracted today my friend. Is everything alright?" Came a concerned voice with a now familiar thick accent.

Elizabeth let out a breath she hadn't realized she had been holding, her hand stopping short of her wand as she turned around to face Natty with Poppy at the Gryffindor's side. Both of the girls wore expressions of worry; though Natty's was mixed with her nearly ever present smile. "Nothing is wrong. I just haven't been getting the best sleep the past few days." The excuse came from her mouth easily as she forced her well practiced smile to soothe the girls' concerns.

Natty just grinned wider, seemingly buying what Elizabeth was saying; while Poppy's smile was more reserved, a pensive look in her eyes as she examined Elizabeth. "That is unfortunate to hear about your lack of sleep. I need to go into Hogsmeade to pick up some supplies for next week. Perhaps we should go together and see if Mr. Pippin has something to help you sleep better?" Natty suggested, seemingly no longer too concerned but still wanting to take care of her friend.

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