Chapter 47: The Drums of War

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Last Time: Elizabeth talked with the Keepers after completing the final trial and had it confirmed that Isidora's spell didn't seem to have the devastating side effect from single use since the students of the past didn't suffer the same fate as the witch's father. After a short discussion; Elizabeth began to leave only to have an awakened Poppy stop her and force her to give up her combo potions. Hiding one; Lizzy left and took it only to have her heart race and hurt before she left to go and have the wand made. Rookwood found and took her outside of Ollivanders as Lizzy caught sight of Poppy running after them just before they disapparated. At Rookwood castle the dark wizard taunted Elizabeth about going back for Poppy only for the witch to explode in rage as she killed multiple ashwinders with her ancient magic. When the numbers appeared to be too much for her to handle; Emery showed up with a group of followers. After Lizzy killed Rookwood Emery collected her blood from a wound and Lizzy discovered he had been tracking her. Furious the witch left her bracelet and left to find Poppy. Lilandra came forward then to reveal herself and speak with Emery as the wizard bottled Lizzy's blood before telling Lilandra she couldn't help Lizzy at the repository before disapparating to meet with someone.

***Trigger Warnings*** War, Violence, Death


Elizabeth stepped out of the green flames and fireplace to frantically look around the Three broomsticks. Luckily the establishment appeared far from busy as only a few patrons drank and conversed at their tables. Upon her entry to the room; a couple of them looked at Elizabeth, their eyes widening at the sight of her. The young witch paid them no heed, ignoring the fresh looking blood that covered her face and hair when she caught her reflection in a mirror from the corner of her eye. "My friend, you don't appear to be doing well. What happened?" Sirona asked as the wild eyed girl approached her.

"I am fine. But I don't have time. Have you seen Poppy?" Elizabeth asked quickly, forgetting all pleasantries in her frenzied rush to confirm the woman she loved so dearly was okay. When Sirona had shaken her head, the ravenclaw immediately turned to leave the inn, not even registering the next words that exited the older witch's mouth. She liked Sirona, but all that mattered right now was finding Poppy. She couldn't focus on anything else until she knew for certain the brunette was safe.

The auburn witch tried not to dwell on the worst possibilities as she looked around the nearly empty street, her eyes searching for any sign of her girlfriend. What if Rookwood really had sent someone back and she just hadn't noticed? If they had hurt Poppy because of her... Lizzy shuddered. The thought was just too awful to even consider. At least she knew the other witch was alive thanks to the pendant. "Revelio." The spell went off as she passed Ollivanders, causing her to stop in her tracks when she noticed her spell reveal two people in the shop rather than the one she expected.

Without a second thought Lizzy rushed into the store to deliriously rake her eyes over every detail until dark hazel fell upon the hufflepuff shaking in the corner with her knees tight against her chest as she sat there. "Poppy!" Elizabeth yelled as relief washed over her. The witch she loved was alright. Everything was going to be- Her thought was interrupted as Poppy looked up at her with such anguish in her honey eyes that it brought Lizzy to her knees as she came to a stop directly in front of the other witch.

"I thought you were going to die." Poppy whispered softly as Lizzy pulled her into a tight embrace. The hufflepuff's body was shaking so badly. All Lizzy wanted at that moment was to make her feel better, to take away the girl's pain. "After you left I felt your heart beat so fast and- and-" The shorter girl buried her face in Lizzy's chest as she continued through sobs. "The pain. I actually felt pain through the pendant with how strongly your heart was pounding. I- It was terrifying. And then I came rushing here only to see them take you." Her Love's voice was so small and weak as she spoke. "I didn't know what to do. I wanted to chase after you but I had no idea where they took you. So I stayed here and just waited. I-" Poppy clutched at Lizzy's robes. "Lizzy I couldn't do anything to help you and it hurts so much knowing that."

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