Chapter 16: Old Scars and Fresh Wounds

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Last Time: Sebastian informed Elizabeth about Salazar Slytherin's scriptorium and Ominis' past. After some convincing Elizabeth decided to approach Ominis about showing them the scriptorium. The two bonded over the story of Ominis' aunt before the boy agreed to take them to the scriptorium so that he could gain answers to her disappearance. On Halloween night the trio met up to go to where the entrance was located. With a simple puzzle solved the doors opened and the trio descended into the darkness.

***Trigger Warning*** Past child abuse, panic attacks, ptsd depiction, Cruciatus curse, torture, self harm.


As the trio began to descend the stairs into the darkness below; the entrance to the scriptorium slid firmly shut behind them. "Lumos." Elizabeth whispered to light the tip of her wand and shine it back the way they had come. "It would appear the only way we are getting out of here now is to go forward." She clenched her teeth slightly, not enjoying the feeling of being trapped down here. Without any more hesitation she walked down the stairs with her friends.

"I told you both this was a bad idea. Now we are trapped down here." Ominis stated, his voice laced with fear as he stepped past Elizabeth while she turned her wand to light a small alcove.

"Ominis; we just started. There has to be a way out of here. Salazar wouldn't have built a place that could not be left, considering he would have to leave it himself eventually." Sebastian pointed out while he examined a broken mural with his own lit wand.

"Ominis; I found a note that Noctua left behind. You were right, she was trying to prove that Slytherin was more than people believe. She thought that there might be proof that there was more to him than his obsession with blood purity and the dark arts." Elizabeth explained as she pocketed the note she had found with the intent of giving it to Ominis once they left here. The boy deserved to have anything his aunt had left behind.

As Elizabeth turned her attention to the broken mural she heard Sebastian exclaim excitedly beside her. "Ominis! Someone from your family was here!"

While the girl rolled her eyes at her boyfriend's response Ominis replied. "I know, she was my aunt. It's the only reason I agreed to come down here."

"What, why didn't you tell me?!" Sebastian's offended voice came.

"Sebastian, I told you on our way here and Ominis mentioned when we were above that his aunt disappeared in the search. Don't you listen?" Elizabeth said a bit more harshly than she meant to. Her boyfriend was brilliant; yet sometimes it seemed that he didn't care to retain information that wasn't the focus of his obsessions.

"Oh- ummm. I guess not." Sebastian replied a bit sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his head.

With another eyeroll Elizabeth continued her examination of the ruins near the wall. "I think this may be important. Give me a moment." She cast the mending charm, watching as the mural reformed itself. Her eyes widened immediately. "What is that hissing sound?" She asked in confusion. "It started when I repaired the relief."

"Ah, so that's where that voice is coming from." Ominis began as Elizabeth made her way towards him and the locked door blocking their path. "It started the moment you finished your repairs. It keeps telling me to speak to it."

Elizabeth frowned as she furrowed her brow. "You hear a voice?" She asked until something hit her. The Gaunts were descendants of Salazar Slytherin, a parselmouth who could speak to snakes. Perhaps that meant Ominis was as well. Without giving herself time to think about it she asked. "Does that mean you are a parselmouth? Is the hissing from a snake?"

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