Chapter 2

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I wake up outside my forest, I didn't knew where I was at first. But then I heard a way too familiar voice calling my 'name'. I look behind me to see Guilthunder. He looked kinda mad, who could blame him I was accuse of the murder of his father after all.

I sigh while I look at him, how long was I pass out ? I mean he looked way older then I remember and I could also tell that I wasn't just in a little village that was somewhere around. I could directly tell that I was at Liones. Guess I'm gonna end up in jail for the rest of my life.

Just like I deserve. That's what I deserve after abandoning my peoples and leaving them to die while I was safe with that giant girl and with the sins. I hated myself so much for it they deserved a better king and I knew it, I couldn't understand why would the sacred tree even chose me that time in the first place...

Anyone would have been a better king or even queen ! But he had to chose me ! No winder why the fairy realm die, I can't even protect myself and he had excepte that I would protect more then 2000 fairys ? Of course I wouldn't be able to ! Sometime I wonder how does he chose the next ruler...

Guilthunder was still looking at me with a mad but confus look at the same time, he sigh and he directly star in my eyes.
"Why haven't you tried to break free yet ?" He asked me still fixing me in the eyes. I sigh while I look at the ground. "Cause jail is what I deserve after all I've done." I look at him with a smile while saying those words. He looked a bit surprise about it like he hadn't excepte me to said that.

He then just look away and he was now in front of the door, he was about to leave when he turn around one last time. "Get ready you'll have a task soon." Was his last words before leaving me in this room alone. I still couldn't tell if I was at Liones like in the castle or just in a random house there. I just sigh and look into the closet, there wasn't any cloths my size they were all too big (fuck Guilthunder for being so tall). I just sigh and stay in my cloths.

I didn't care that they were dirty I was kind of use to it anyways so one more time one less would that really change something ? I went out of the room being very carefull. After all I didn't know if in this house it was only me and guilthunder and that there wasn't anyone else inside. I then join Guilthunder in the living room, he was in his armors and was waiting for me.

I went next to him and he look at me. "You're not gonna change? Your cloths are dirty." He said looking at my cloths, I look away a bit embarassed and mumble."It's not my fault that I'm short..." He didn't seem to have heard because he looked at me completly confuse about what I had said. I'm glad that he didn't hear me though.

We went out of the house and I follow him, I see that a bird was following use but I didn't really pay much attention to it. It took us a very long time, something like 2/3 hours or more. I see that he had bring me into a forest and that around the middle of the forest there was a little village but it looked broken and into ashes.

"Why are we here?" I ask Guilthunder a bit confuse, he look at me with a little smile and we approche more and more the village until we enter. When we enter Guilthunder bring me to a little house, I was confuse at first but when I saw what was inside I had a sad and worried look on my face."I need you to take care of them."

There was two little kids there, one that must be around 3/4 years old and the other one around 1/2 years old, the older one was a boy and the younger one was a girl. I approach them and directly took them in my arms, the girl didn't mind but the boy try to resist at first before letting me do whatever I wanted.

"I promise that I'll take care lf them, what are your names?" I look at the little one well more at the boy because he was the one that could talk. "My name is Luigi and my sister is named Elen..." He said looking away from me, I pat his head and look at Guilthunder again.

"I promise you that I will protect their child with my whole life." I said with a smile on my face. He look at me and smile back. "I should leave now I have...thing to do." He said before leaving, I could tell that something was bothering him but I rather not ask him. And I don't think he'll answer anyways so yeah.

I took Luigi by the hand and put the both of the child on my chastifol. I smile at them, the sweetest one I could do and I make the both of them lay down on my chastifol. I cover them with a blanket I had find and they both start to fall asleep. I then decide to went out of the village to explore the forest a little. I found out some tree with fruits such as apples or oranges ect...

It was just perfect ! I went to take the fruits and after doing so I went back to the village
and back to where the children were sleeping. I see that they were still asleep so it was alrght hadn't take that much time in the forest, I really don't want to make that mistake ever again. I was a little hungry so I decide to eat a little apple. And for the rest I decide to mar a little salad with the fruits, now I was just laying next to them and had fallen asleep with them.

Luigi remind me of me and Elen remind me of my little sister Elaine and I found their relation very cute not gonna lie. I hope that I'll be able to see them grow up, even if I won't be with the seven deadly sins ever again and that they were like me second family, maybe I could try to move on with those two right?

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