Chapter 13

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King P.O.V

Honestly with everything that was going on right now I didn't know how to feel, should I be upset ? Stress ? Sad ? Nervous ? Angry ? I don't know honestly. I look around the whole tavern with a nervous look, I could tell that Meliodas was going to approche the table but I really didn't wanted that. I wasn't feeling in the mood to talk I still needed to process everything right now.

Why he want it to be so fast ?

He was getting closer by every seconds that pass and I was becoming even more nervous, what do I said ? What do I said ?! I take a deep breath as he sat next to me while putting a hand on my shoulder.

Why was I so nervous ?

<<Come on Harlequin just calm down !>> I tried to told myself, I try to think about other things then the talk but nothing, just the memory at the time where I was a godess. It just make me even more nervous. The captain hold my hand and start to caress it a little.

"Please calm down everything will be alright." He said trying to rassure me. "I'm just gonna ask you some questions and you're gonna answer as best as you can alright ?" He said with a soft smile. It was the first time I saw him smile like that.

"A-alright." I said with a nervous tone. He continue to smile like that at me and then take a deep breath before starting to ask his questions to me.

"What's the last memory you have ?"

"Me dying."

"What do you remember ?"

"You, Gowther, the war, my relation with Elizabeth, you and her curse."

"Do you know about Merlin ?"

"I do not see what does Merlin have to do with it."

"It's nothing don't worry..." He take a deep breath before continuing. "Do you know about me and Elizabeth relation ?"

"Yes, you two are dating that's why the suprem deity and the demon king curse the both of you."

"That's all for the moment I'll let you rest...if you need or remember anything mlease tell me directly...alright ?" He tell me with a bit of sadness in his tone. I nod and that's when his smile come back.

The thing I didn't told him is that I knew that everytime he die his father would take away some of his emotions. Which is why I decide to have a new mission.

To protect him.

I don't care that I'm not strong enough.

I don't care that I'll have to die because of it.

I don't about what could happen to me.

I'm gonna portect him.

As a thanks for taking of my sister all those years and for treating me like a friends.

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