Chapter 4

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I wake up from this weird dream again, how does that boy has my name !? You know what nevermind I'm not the only Harlequin in the entire world anyways. I sigh as I look at the two little child next to me. The boy was awake and the little girl was still sleeping. After all she was still a baby so I understand why she need more sleep then her brother.

I look at her brother and smile at him, he look at me a little confuse. "Are you hungry?" I ask him with as much kindness as possible in my voice. He just nod and I told him to wait here. I take the salald that I had made with the fruit and gave some to him, the rest will be for his sister. He thanks me and he begin to eat his food.

I'm glad that he seem to enjoy what I had make him, I sit next to him as he finish his food. "Thank you was delicious..." I pat his head still smiling at him. "Please call me Harlequin." I told him while I play with his hair a little, they were very soft, I never though that they would be. "Alright sir Harlequin..." I guess they won't stop calling me sir, well atleast they are polite !

Some times later the little girl start to wake up but wake up completly crying. Fuck what am I suppose to do !? I take her in my arms and turn to her brother. "Does she have a toy or something?" I ask him hoping he would atleast know a little, he nod and went to get her toy, thanks god I can't stand really much baby crying. When he come back I thanks him and give the little girl her toy. When she saw the toy she immediatly calm down and take it.

She finally stop crying ! Mission complete !

I then put her down and went to take the food and help her eat it, of course I was carefull because since she was still a baby there was some fruits that she couldn't eat because she didn't have much theets then when you are a child nor an adult. She looked to enjoy the food too and when she finish she went to play with her toy outside. Of course I wasn't dumb to let a 1/2 years old alone outside a village that could get attacked by anytime so I follow her with her brother Luigi.

We both sat on the grass while we look at Elen playing with her toys and some rocks that she had found, of course everytime she would try to swallow something that wasn't good like some plants or even the rocks I would stop her and explain to her (even if she didn't understand because she would still do it again) that they weren't something you should eat.

I sigh as I look at Luigi with a curious expression. "What happen to the village and your parents?" He began to explain me why the village was destroy. It was because if the holy knights after the seven deadly sins 'betray' them they decide to destroy some village and kill some people to make think that it was the seven deadly sins that would hae destroy the village.

Their parents had died in the attack like half of the people in the village, the other one that survive decide to leave since they didn't wanted to rebuilt the village for it to be destroy again. He then tell me that he had meet Guilthunder and that he had promise them that he would find them someone to take care of them and so that someone was me.

I take the little boy in my arms to calm him down, he looked confuse at why I was huging him and that's only at this moment that he realise he was crying. He hide his face in my torso and I rub circle on his back so he would calm down atleast a little. It took him a while before he calm down, well he fall asleep in my arms but atleast now he was calm.

His sister had approche us and ask if she could sleep on me too. I give her a little smile and told her that she could but that she had to be carefull not to make a sound because her brother was sleeping. She nod and went to hug me and she lay her head on my shoulder and then began to fall asleep. I stroke her hair as I continue to smile at the both of them.

I just hope I'll be able to raise them well...
I wouldn't want them to become like me though but I just hope that they'll be happy with me atleast that's all I ask for...
"Goodnight littles ones..."

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