Chapter 20

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I look outside the window and see that it was already night, I though about going to sleep but I could tell that the tavern had stop moving and had stop. I look through the window again and see that Meliodas, Elizabeth and the other had get out of the tavern and they were going somewhere else. I wanted to know where they were going but I didn't wanted to break the captain truth since he had told me to stay here and rest.

But I felt like if I didn't go something bad would happen to them. I just took a deep breath and decide that it could only be my imagination right ?

<<Oh and fuck it !>>

I though to myself as I get up from the bed, my back was still hurting but it's not a problem for me anymore as for the moment I know something worse could happen then my back hurting like that. I then follow them as quietly as possible. Not wanting them to know that I was there.

Some time pass and I could see two members or the ten commandments, it was Gloxinia and Dolor, well that's what I could tell since I couldn't see well because I was  a little far away from them but I could recognize by how tall Dolor was and I could see red hair on the other person head. So for me it was the both of them.

Something was definitely going to happen I could tell by their aura, they were planning something and that 'something' wasn't good, at all. I took some deep breathes ready to fight in case. I could tell they weren't alone just by how they were acting.

Some more times pass and I see that they had made them fight, right now I couldn't tell who was fighting but it seems like they weren't really putting any effort in the fight. I mean if I had to fight my friends I wouldn't do it either. 

I start to prepare myself as I see something approaching from far away. I couldn't tell what or who it was, but by judging the aura that was coming from them they weren't here to help us at all. I took other deep breathes knowing it could be a long and rough fight, and I wasn't gonna let any of my friends get injured ! Not again...

When I was about to join them a loud 'BANG!' could be heard. I look at what was happening but I couldn't see anything because there was too much smoke. 

<<Fuck!!>> I though, should I really jump in not knowing what was going on ? Oh and why would I care ?! They are probably in danger ! 

I didn't even think twice and jump in the smoke, trying my best to see if everyone was alright or if there was anyone that was injured. I couldn't see very well what was happening but I could hear Meliodas voice somewhere near where I was, must mean that he was close then ! But where is he ?! 

"Meliodas !" I yelled out, trying my best to make him heat my voice so that it could help me better to know where he was, and most importantly if he needed help or not !

"What are you doing here Harlequin ?!" I heard him yell, he was very close and with his voice I could tell where he was. I directly went to join him.

"Just come to give you a hand !" I said with a smirk, when I arrived he was fighting the ten commandments, I guess he really do need an hand then !

He look at me quite shocked but soon sighed knowing that he couldn't make me change my mind, that make me giggle inside. 

*Times brought to an epic fight (that's totally not true) by a dancing cat cause I have no idea how to write fight scene :D*

3rd P.O.V

Meliodas and Harlequin were about to win the fight against the ten commandments, well that's what they though, all that Meliodas remember was Harlequin yelling his name before pushing him on the ground.  

His head was hurting for a little while and he had close his eyes for a moment, well until he heard a little scream coming out of his friend mouth. When he open his eyes what he saw was worse then he though. Harlequin was standing in front of him.

He was stabbed, in the heart. He was looking down at Meliodas, a smile on his face. Meliodas couldn't believe what he was seeing, he didn't wanted to lose him again, not another time.

"Please Meliodas protect my brother for me." 

"I promise I will Elizabeth."

He had promise her to protect her brother ! And there he is...dying in front of him again. Tears roll down his face and he couldn't stop them. He could feel himself losing control little by little as he see him falling on the ground as blood was coming out of his wound.

When everything was done, when everything was over, when Meliodas finally take back control of himself he went to Harlequin body, he kneel next to him taking him in his arms. The light in his eyes was starting to fade away.

"I'm glad...I'm glad you're fine..." Harlequin said with a slight smile. Meliodas was still crying but gave him a smile.

"Yes Harlequin...Yes I'm fine..." Meliodas said. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you...I...I should have..." Meliodas couldn't help the new hot tears rolling down his face. 

"It's fine, I was able to protect you and that's what matter..." Harlequin cough slightly, blood dripping from his mouth. "Could you tell my sisters that I love them..?" He asked with a smile.

"I promise..." Meliodas said with a slight smile.

Harlequin then started to feel tired, he could feel himself getting colder, the light in his eyes were slowly fading away. Some seconds pass and that's it, it was enough.

He was gone.

Meliodas make him close his eyes and cry on his chest.

It was as if he had list him another time and he couldn't bear it.

Harlequin P.O.V

When I open my eyes I was in a strange place, there was a lot of green crystals there. 

<<So that's where you end up after death uh ?>> I though to myself as I look around, not gonna lie it was quite beautiful there.

I decide to sit down close to a pretty big crystal, I don't quite remember a lot, all I know is that Meliodas is safe and that he didn't get any major injuries and that was good.

Even if I died at least he was alright.

"Harlequin...? What are you doing here...?" I heard a way too familiar voice ask me. I look at who it was and see that it was Helbram. I start to cry softly and jump in his arms. 

He hug me back, holding me tightly against him, I could feel him crying softly and so was I. I was finally able to be with him again, and I wasn't going to let that slide, I'm not leaving him, not again. 

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