Chapter 8

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We had arrived at Vaizel now and as we though Diane sacred weapon was the reward of the winner of the tournament. Meliodas and Ban decide to participate and also force me to participate. I try to sad no bit the captain remind me that I had tell him that he could do anything he wanted. I try to remind him that I had told him I didn't wanted to have anything to do with his bullshit but he didn't listen to me.

He then just make us participate even though I told him I didn't wanted to. I just sigh and watch all the fight that we're going on, I got scared as I see that my turn was very soon now. I knew that I wasn't strong physically and that I'll completly lose the fight. But the captain didn't seem to care about that and looked exited to see me fight.

It was now my turn to fight, I was really scared and didn't know what to do. Thanks god the kids had chose to go with Elizabeth and Diane. I sigh and went to the ring. I really didn't wanted to do this but I didn't have a chance and I knew it. Normally I was suppose to fight and old man but someone else come on the ring instead. It looked like it had surprise everyone honestly guess he wasn't suppose to be here.

He look at me with a smirk on his face as he put himself into a fighting position and he wat for me to do the same. I knew that something was wrong, I just could tell he had a plan in his mind and I didn't like that. I sigh and also put myself in a fighting position, I knew I had no chance anyways so I'm going to give him what he wat I guess.

He run toward me and went to punch my stomach, I was avle to dodge it and to attack hom right after. At my big surprise that actually hurt him and he was on the ground touching his leg (where I had hit him) and I see a red mark on his leg too. It's impossible that it's me who did that.. right ? I take the man by the shoulder and pull him outside the ring while he cry because I had hit him hard apparently. 

I look at the other sins (the one that were here atleast so Ban and Meliodas) and they kinda looked surpise about it too, I couldn't blame them, even me I was surprise. I take a deep breath and left the ring after that and join them. "You didn't tell us that you could fight physically~!" Said Ban to tease me, I giggle nervously and just look away. "Yeah ahah..." 

I don't think I should tell them that I didn't know myself that I had physical strenght, the only problem is that if I tell them I'm scared they'll want to fight me and I really don't want to get into a fight with Ban, and less the captain ! It would be a fight I already know I'll lose.

I look at the floor for a moment to think how could I have got stronger physically, now that I think about did my magical power is also starting to get stronger without me needed to train it, everything about me was starting to be strange and that make me very unconfortable.

First it was those weird dream, after the magical strenght and now the physical strenght ? What will be next ? How I look like ? No really I don't want to imagine just my eyes, hair or whole body changing without me understanding why. That would be horrible and kind of embarassing. Because if after the deadly sins ask me to explain myself I wouldn't know what to said. 

Let's try not to think too much about it and let's look at the other fight !

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