Welcome to Casper High

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     The cursed sound of the school bell stung your ears. Doors open and students flood the halls. Your anxiety was through the roof, your hands were sweaty, you had a headache, and being the new girl in the already started school year was stressful enough. After just moving to Amity Park a few weeks ago due to a family tragedy, you knew this was coming but still didn't want to face it. You were not mentally prepared. Cliques took their places, a couple jocks threw a football, you witness a poor kid get shoved into a locker, and a teacher running towards the bully angrily with a megaphone.

Welcome to Casper High.

     There was so much on your mind it was hard to focus. But (Y/N) you have to try; you owe it to your parents. Finding your assigned locker and your class schedule in hand, you reach for the combination knob, and turn it a few clicks. As you prepare to open it, you are instead faced with someone else's next to you slamming into your head, knocking you instantly to your knees. Metal and a skull do not mix. Your backpack and schedule falls from your hands by the impact.

"Owwww!" You release a groan holding your head.

     You even hear a few gasps from around you, but can't open your eyes to see who did. While many don't even notice what happened. As darkness takes over your vision, you feel a gust a wind and two hands on your shoulders.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?! I wasn't paying attention." a male voice says in a comforting yet frantic way.

"I...I don't know...my head is pounding...I recently got over a concussion..." you say trying to open your eyes and ignore the ringing in your ears. This time it was not the school bell...

"Oh no...I feel terrible. Let me help you." he says.

     Slowly finding the strength to open your eyes, you release the grip on your hands and lower your arms looking up at the one talking to you. A boy with black hair, jeans and a white shirt with a red oval in the center, and the most beautiful blue orbs you've ever seen. You can't take your eyes off of him now, but you didn't want to either. This boy was cute!

     He lets go of your shoulders and stands up offering you his hand with a gentle smile. Hesitantly you accept it, and butterflies fill your stomach. One touch, and you felt comforted and safe. He pulls you up and supports your back as you rise. Who was this guy?

"I'm really sorry...my name is Danny Fenton. I'm a freshman. You're not hurt are you?" he asked concerned. You can tell he feels bad just by his expression.

"It's okay, it happens. I'll live. I'm (F/N) (L/N). Also, a Freshman."

"It's nice to meet you, though I wish it didn't happen like that." he says with an embarrassed chuckle, bending over to pick up your dropped belongings. A piece of paper being one of them. "Is this your class schedule?" he says looking at it standing up.

"Yeah. I was just trying...trying...to get...get my locker open first..." Your speech was slurring and getting repetitive. Not good. You gently massage your temples hoping to relieve some pain.

"We have a few classes together! I would give you a tour and show you, but I think you need to get to the Nurse. You're eyes look big and that was a...hard slam." his head bows apologetically.

"N-no it's fine. I have to get...going..." you reply. As you start to reach for your backpack Danny was holding, you slump forward straight into his arms, face hitting his chest. Blood begins to ooze down your face. 

"Whoa! Okay, I'm taking you there. I gotcha, don't worry." he says holding you up. Your eye lids get heavy and your head feels like a hammer is hitting it. Consciousness begins to fade and your eyes close.

     The final bell rings and people began to disperse. Danny begins to wonder why he hasn't seen Tucker or Sam yet. Maybe they were already in class or running late? He didn't know, but what he did know was he is responsible for causing this poor girl to collapse in his arms. Guilty was an understatement.

"I'm sorry (Y/N)." Danny says.

     With the hallway clear and the two of you now alone, he places his arm wrapped around your waist allowing your other one to hang over his neck. He uses his free hand to go intangible and unlocks your locker from the inside for you. That's all she wanted to do, ended up knocked out by a different one. Danny carries you to the Nurse's office hoping you will wake up do he can redeem himself.

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