The Fabulous Formal

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~3 Weeks Later~

Tonight was the night; the formal dance. Your Aunt was back in town, your group has been staying out of trouble in school with occasional hang outs at the Nasty Burger, and Danny has had the usual ghost fight here and there, succeeding in sealing them away in the Fenton Thermos. Mainly the Box Ghost and various basic ghosts. Nothing major.

After a fabulous spa day courtesy of Aunt (name), you were ready and feeling amazing. Aunt (name) spoiled you! Not only because she's not hurting for money, but she wanted to make it up to you for being absent often. You had a massage, manicure, pedicure, and hair and makeup professionally done! You were a glowing model! You couldn't stop thanking her and thinking 'Wait until Danny sees me!'

     Walking down the stairs in your beautiful new dress and accessories, your Aunt stands there at the bottom snapping many pictures.

"Oh (Y/N), you look beautiful! Just like a princess! Your parents would be amazed. I bet they're smiling at you right now!" your Aunt says.

"Thanks so much Aunt (name), that means so much." You say giving her a hug.

She may not always be around, but when she is, she's very friendly and caring. She's the closest family member you have. After taking a few more pictures and selfies, your hear a honk coming from outside. Looking out the window, Sam's limo is parked out front.

"Sam's here!" you say. "Time to party!"

     You walk outside with your Aunt following behind. Sam steps out of the limo smiling at you. She looks gorgeous in her formal attire.

"Look at you! I knew you would look great!" you say giving Sam a hug.

"Thanks. I could say the same. It really was the perfect choice for you." Sam replies.

     Turning around you gesture towards your Aunt.

"This is Sam, one of my closest friends I made at Casper. She's the one who bought me all of this. This is my Aunt (name), my Mom's sister."

"Nice to meet you." Sam says to her kindly.

"Thank you so much for being a good friend to my niece. She's been through a lot and needs someone like you in her life.

"Think nothing of it." Sam says. "Ready to go?"


"Hold on, Let's get a picture of you two!" your Aunt says.

"Okay." You say standing next to Sam smiling. Sam grins and rests her arm on your shoulder. A quick flash and you we're done.

"Perfect. You girls have a great night!"

"Thanks Aunt (name), see you later!"

You and Sam get in the limo and head to the dance hearts pounding with adrenaline. About a 15 minutes drive later, you and Sam arrive at Casper High's gym hall entrance behind the school. Sam texts Danny and Tucker letting them know you both have arrived.

"Let's have fun tonight."

"Wouldn't have it any other way." Sam agrees.

~Your P.O.V~

Sam and I walk inside walking down the hall leading to the gym double doors. We can already hear music playing, heels hitting the floor, and briefly see flashing/disco ball lights. Above it is a large banner saying 'Casper High 9th and 10th grade Formal Dance (year date). Huge thank you to our sponsor Smauslip Dalv inc.' I shrug.

"Never heard of it, but whatever, not my concern."

"They just have to give credit where it is due. Casper has like no funding for anything."

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